Break Me

We love you, J-Bear!

I woke up smiling. I had slept with no nightmares, no dreams at all. That was rare, and I was in a great mood from the moment I woke up.
Then I remembered what I was doing today after school, and that I was putting my baby Emily in danger. Immediately, I felt horrible. What was I thinking, allowing this?
I was a bad person. I knew that now.
“Em-”I began. She put a finger to my lips.
“Your not rethinking this Jaden. I’m going. I’ll be fine,” she reassured me. I was a little soothed, but I knew that wouldn’t last long. The feeling was going to come back during school. We went to get ready. She looked beautiful, as usual. Also as usual, I did not look good at all.
We left the house and walked to school. As we went into the gates, I remembered the last time I went through here. I had seen Jeremy and Pattyn arguing, and the day had ended with me planning to help Lia beat her mother at her own game.
I had a big argument with Jeremy, and wound up telling him about my dad and my cutting. He was pissed and decked me, but at the end of the day, he forgave me.
In this moment, away from my father, I felt like the most lucky boy in the world.
The feeling only intensified as I walked towards my wonderful friends, who weren’t arguing today, but standing waiting for me, smiles on their faces.
“I look horrible today,” I said as a greeting.
“Thats not true!” Pattyn protested.
“You always look beautiful. You underestimate yourself,” Jeremy said.
I smiled, but I didn’t believe them. Jeremy was my boyfriend, Pattyn was their best friend.
Of course they would tell me anything to make me feel good about myself. But I was in a good mood now, and I pulled them into a group hug.
“I love you guys!” I shouted.
“We love you too, J-Bear!” they screamed. People stopped and stared, but we didn’t care.
They already thought we were weird anyways. I released them.
“I wasn’t done!” Jeremy protested. I glanced at Pattyn.
“I think I’ll sit this one out,” she said, smiling. I knew it must have hurt her to watch me and Jeremy that way, but she didn’t show it. She was amazing.
I loved her so much. I pulled Jeremy into my arms and hugged him tightly. He squeezed me so hard that I groaned, but I wouldn’t let him let go right away. After about a minute, Pattyn coughed. We broke away, me blushing. Jeremy wasn’t bothered at all. He took my hand and Pattyn took the other, and we went to class.

After school

I hugged Jeremy tightly.
“I love you,” I whispered. He pulled me back so that he could look into my eyes.
“Don’t say that like it’s goodbye,” he whispered painfully. My eyes began to well up with tears, and I turned away. Lia was already there. Emily took my hand, and we began to walk.
“I’m ready.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, its super super short.
But I've got writers block.

So comment, and give me some incentive to write the next chapter.