Break Me

Understand me

When we stood outside of my next class with one more minute left, I faced her. The bell rang and we just stood there. Then I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. I kept it light, passionate, but not like I would kiss Jeremy.
“That’s what our first kiss should have been,” I told her. She smiled, still shocked.
“I love you, Jaden,” she said softly. Seeing me about to speak, she held a finger to my lips.
“Please,” she whispered. I understood. Hearing that I loved her must be so hard, when she knew I didn’t mean it the way she wanted me too. I nodded, and she turned and walked away. With her gone from sight, I returned to the real world. And I heard someone screaming my name angrily. Oh, god. Jeremy. I headed for the gates again, knowing I would be missing another class. I knew Jeremy would follow. I didn’t want to have this scene in front of all our classmates. I sat down under the same tree that I had talked to Pattyn under. Soon Jeremy came into sight, pink hair blowing in the breeze.
“Jaden!” he screamed angrily. Hearing my name on his lips made me happy, even if it was shouted in anger.
“Jeremy,” I said softly. He was so beautiful, with his swimmers body, pink hair, and black eyes glittering in fury. Jeremy broke into a run, ending tightly a few feet away from me.
“I saw it! I saw you kiss her!” he screamed. His face contorted in quiet fury. Then he seemed to give up.
“All this time you were pretending,” he said calmly. But I knew him well enough to know it was a show. He wasn’t calm. He was grieving. Over me.
“So much for my happy ending,” he finished quietly. I was too sad to point out that he was quoting Avril Lavigne(sp??). My heart swelled, went out to him. He loved me so much he didn’t believe his happy ending was possible without me. But I had to work quickly if I wanted MY happy ending. Jeremy was already starting to walk away from the school, away from me.
“Jeremy!” I called his name, running after him. I grabbed him roughly by the shoulders, spun him around, and pressed my lips to his. I kissed him passionately, and I felt him start to kiss me back. No words I could use would describe this feeling. It had to be the most passionate gay boy kiss in the history of the world, and we were both gasping for air when I pulled away. Seeming to remember that he was angry at me, Jeremy pushed me away. But his hands were gentle on my chest, softened by love.
“Tell me,” he demanded roughly. “Tell me why you did it.” he stared at me quietly, waiting. When I didn’t speak right away, he did.
“Tell me why you broke my heart.”
♠ ♠ ♠
How sad!!! Poor Jeremy.

Well, my reading counts are off I think. So PLEASE people.....PLEASE leave a comment, just to let me know your reading it. I don't care what it says, you can just put "ME" for all I care. I just want to know.

Sorry its so short, but the next chapter will be longer, promise.

Your loving writer,