Her Diary


I couldn't believe it. I could not. I knew what must have happened. I wasn't a genius, but this wasn't rocket science.

Quietly and gently, I moved from in between the two sleeping boys, one my best friend, the other a sex-driven artist. I cringed as I saw my own nakedness, my skin raw from...what? I saw my under garments in a small pile on the floor and grabbed them, hastily putting them on. Where were Ryan and Dakota? My shorts were slung across the back of a chair, my tank top on the opposite side of the room. I gathered both and struggled into the clothing, wishing I had pants and a big sweater to cover myself further.

Bailey's desk was pushed away from the wall, a large gap behind it. I peered into the space and stared at Ryan and Dakota, passed out with their mouths gaping like fish out of water. It was disgusting. I suppressed a shudder and looked back to Bailey and Taylor lying on the bed. I couldn't breathe properly. I had to get out.

The door of Bailey's room banged against the frame as I slammed it shut on my way out, running as fast as I could. The rest of his family was no where to be seen. I picked up my shoes in my hands, there was no time to put them on. I needed to leave, now. Right away. The cement felt cool under the soles of my feet, now that the sun had set. The sounds of crickets echoed through the twilight, and I sped down the sidewalk, running blindly.

It was ten o'clock when I stumbled into my own house, up to my room, and shut the door. I locked it and slumped down, back to the door, sobbing. I don't know how long I stayed like that for. Maybe it was minutes, maybe hours. There was no clock in my room. I really should get one, I thought calmly. I still don't know why I remember that, thought that, then.

On shaking legs I stood and walked over to my dresser, pulling out a drawer and removing a sweater and sweatpants. I pulled them on quickly; they provided relief like a security blanket. I was in my room, with my favourite big gray sweater on, safe.

I crawled into bed, exhausted. My blankets piled on top of me, I thought about what tomorrow would bring and fell into an uneasy sleep.

A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark - Chinese Proverb