Status: In the works!

Close My Eyes,and Fly

Close My Eyes, and Fly - The Kiss

It was the longest night of her life, and Aaron after struggling to find Scott ended up trekking back to her house 3 miles away. She was too proud to call Jack or Madison for a ride but by mile 2 her feet had taken a beating and she could barely handle it.

“This is bullshit” she mumbled to herself, hobbling to the side of the road to sit on a metal guard rail. She had been walking for about an hour and her feet felt as if they were being scrubbed down with a porcupine. She could feel herself developing blisters around the strap of her sandals.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket “Where are you?” it was Jack, she didn’t answer. She slid off one of her sandals and massaged the sole of her foot, rolling her neck as she sighed, gazing up at the star speckled sky.

Her phone buzzed again. She knew it was from Jack but she didn’t care.

“Hey honey, do you need a ride?” a friendly voice said from a car that had silently pulled up in front of her. Aaron responded before glancing down.
“Oh that’s very kind of you but I don’t take rides from stra-” Aaron stopped, she noticed the familiar grey hair glistening in the moonlight through the car window. “Mrs. Caillage? What are you doing out so late?”

There was a soft bubbly laugh and Mrs. Caillage opened her car door to let Aaron in. “ I was just out getting some tea for tomorrows breakfast and I happened to stumble across you” she said, stroking the steering wheel with her finger tips.

Aaron climbed inside the car and buckled up, glancing over at her elderly neighbor curiously.
“Can we not tell my parents about this.. I don’t want them to worry” she trailed off, staring out the window as the car began to accelerate again.

“Don’t worry about it dear, we all have our bad nights” Mrs. Caillage said, humming the tune of some old song Aaron didn’t recognize.

Mrs. Caillage’s car was seriously dated. It smelled of peppermint and old lady perfume and the dashboard was lined with a fuzzy pink shag like carpet meant to prevent the heat from being trapped in your car. Her back seat was filled with reusable supermarket bags and there was a tweety bird toy swinging from her rear view mirror with every twist and turn of the road.

For some reason Aaron felt the most at home then she had been in days. Mrs. Caillage didn’t ask any questions about the evening but instead the two of them drove home in silence, all the while Mrs. Caillage humming that same indistinguishable tune.

“Well this would be you, dear” she said finally, pulling in front of Aaron’s dark house. she missed the friendly lights of her family members filling the empty rooms of her house.
“Thanks Mrs. Caillage, I really apprecia-”

There was a figure sitting on her porch a few feet away, crouched in a fetal position with their hands resting behind their head. Aaron couldn’t make out a face but she noticed a slight smile play across Mrs. Caillage’s lips.

“I expect to get a full report tomorrow dear” she said with a smile. Aaron got out of the car confused and glanced back at the car before it pulled into the garage across the street and out of sight.

Aaron cautiously approached the front steps, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear as she approached the anonymous figure. “Can I help you?” she yelped out into the darkness, her voice was shaky and nervous and she stopped in front of the figure, crossing her arms protectively over her chest.

“ Can we talk?” Jack said, glancing up at Aaron. His eyes were puffy and sad and Aaron couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably.

“What are you doing here Jack, I thought we said all we needed to back at the beach.” She said, biting her lip as she glanced behind her at Mrs.Caillage’s house. There was a quick shuffle of a curtain as it fell back over the window. That woman has plans of her own, who would of thought.

“I want to talk” he said again, standing up and brushing the back of jeans off. “I waited here all night , but you didn’t show up, and you wouldn’t answer my texts, I got really worried..” he trailed off, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“Well I’m fine Jack, really.” she said. She had the overwhelming desire to go up and hug him. never before had she seen anyone so vulnerable, but she stayed put.

“ I’m sorry..” he said, stepping closer towards her, Aaron involuntarily moved forward as well. “I know I have no right to judge your relationship with Scott, if he’s what makes you happy then I guess I should be happy to..” There was an uncomfortable silence filled only with the soft breathing of Aaron as she searched for words.

“ He’s not what makes me happy..” she said softly, glancing down at her dirty sandy feet.
There was a relieved sigh from Jack as he closed the gap between them, embracing her tightly in his arms.

“Thank god Aragorn.. because you could do so much better” he said, resting his chin on the top of her head. Aaron let herself be embraced, she had missed his safe arms more than she had even realized. She couldn’t stay mad at him as hard as she tried and although she knew this would all most likely blow over in the morning she would accept it for what it is now.

“I honestly can’t” she mumbled into his shirt.
“Well I think you can, you’re just not looking hard enough.” he whispered in her ear.
She was hardly listening but breathing in deep his sweet cologne, Jack chuckled and pushed her away at arms length.

“You are such a freak ya know that?” he teased . Aaron scoffed in fake hurt and shoved him away playfully, “Jerk, and to think I missed you two seconds ago.” she mused.

Thats when he caught her wrist again, the second time tonight but she didn’t fight it. This time gazing up into his chocolate brown eyes, they weren’t awe struck or filled with disappointment, but happiness, and warmth.

“I missed you too Aragorn.”

And that is when he kissed her.