Status: In the works!

Close My Eyes,and Fly

Close My Eyes, and Fly - Running Away

“I can’t believe this Aaron! We leave you by yourself for three weeks and this is what happens? You’re off with some strange boy in an abandoned house? I thought you had more sense than that!” Aaron’s mother was furious, they had returned home early as a surprise and this is what they found.

“We were just hanging out..” Aaron said, she glanced at her father hopelessly but his face was expressionless as her mother continued her relentless rant.

“ I don’t care if you were just hanging out, did you know that house is going to be knocked down? Don’t you have any common sense? Luckily Madison stopped by to let us know where you were we were worried sick! Not to mention this house is trashed young lady!”

Aaron felt her blood boil at the mention of Madison’s name. When she had left Aaron made sure to watch her get into her parents shiny town car before she took off for home. She had told Jack it was probably not in their best interest for him to come with her, but now she kind of wished he was here for support.

“Madison and I aren’t friends anymore.” Aaron said solemnly. There was an awkward silence in the room until Carter came running in.

“Aroo!” he cried, flinging himself onto his older sister affectionately. “ I missed you!” he mumbled into her shirt, bunching his fingers around the fabric.

Aaron glanced up at her mother as she watched them.

“Carter honey, can you go in the other room for a bit so I can have a word with your sister?” she said, glancing down at him, a fake smile plastered across her face.

Carter ran out of the room without question and Aaron was left to face her mother alone once more.

“You are never to see that boy again.” She said finally.

Aaron felt tears brim her eyes as her mother said this. “No mom.” she whispered, glancing up at her mom who stood eying her angrily.

“What did you say young lady?” Her mothers face was turning bright red, and she placed her hands disapprovingly on her hips.

“I said no mom.” she said louder, backing up towards the door. “and if you think you can stop it, watch me.” and with that she darted outside slamming the kitchen door behind her.

“Young lady you get back here!” she heard her mother call after her but Aaron didn’t stop. She felt her lungs begin to burn as the frigid air made its way into them, and when she was a good distance away she stopped, gasping for air. She could feel her phone vibrating in her pocket, no doubt it was her mother, she didn’t answer.

Instead she took off down the street, once more headed in no where in particular, she knew that her parents would look at the abandoned house for her so she didn’t bother. Instead she called Jack, the only person she wanted to talk to right now.

“Hey beautiful, whats up?” he answered on the first ring.

“I got into a fight with my mom, I need somewhere to go” she said, she could feel tears brimming
her eyes again.

“Where are you?” he said, his voice had lost its casualness.

“I’m outside the library.” she said, she was sitting on the curb, her clothes still damp from the rain.

“I’ll be right there.” he said, hanging up.

Aaron waited, glancing around at the world around her. She had no idea how she had become this person, she never before fought with her mom, but finding her voice and standing up for herself felt surprisingly good.

The familiar blue truck pulled up moments later and Jack’s warm voice called out to her. “Come on lets get you some place warm” he said, leaning over to unlock the door. Aaron smiled faintly and climbed in, curling up next to him. Jack put his arm around her comfortingly and the two of them took off down the road, headed no where in particular.
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Next chapter up by the end of the day!