For the Love of a Vampire


The dream was nothing of significants, just a run through of my life. My sixteenth birthday party when unfortunately I broke a lamp and got a thorough beating. My graduation, in which I got yet another beating for running three minutes passed my curfew. All things I didn't want to remember but could not seem to let go of. The tears ran freely as I saw for the first time, how truly horrible my life was and how grateful I was that Alex would not let me return. I was free of my dad, until I choose to see him again.

I woke up still wrapped in Alex's arms. He must have fallen asleep after the show last night. I was still embarrassed if you can believe it. Things I had never been able to tell my best friends, I had told to a complete stranger. My life really was messed up. Slowly I tried to wiggle my way off the bed, but after several minutes I had to result to waking Alex up.

"Alex, it's time to get up." No response. "Alex, you really need to get up." I said raising my voice slightly, but still no response. "Okay, enough messing around! You really need to get up!" This time my yelling must have woken him because he let go and fell onto the floor with an humph.

"Jerk." He said as he stood to brush his jeans off. "Why did you have to wake me up? I could have slept alot longer."

"I was hungry." I responded in a matter-of-fact tone. I couldn't move very well on my own and he knew it. My leg was still wrapped in this stupid cast.

"Fine, but theirs nothing to eat in here. We have to the kitchens." Picking me up bridal style, he headed for the door. "This isn't your normal apartments." He said hesitating at the door. "This should be interesting." He mumbled under his breath, pushing the door open.

I stared out into the hallway in awe.

He wasn't kidding...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but bare with me. I have hardly any time to myself anymore with this moving. I will post the next chapter by Sunday at the latest. Don't forget to leave comments, I love the support.
