Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


< Kindergarden >

"Mommy, I don't wanna go in there, I'd rather be at home with you" I told my mom as we stood outside my classroom.

"Come on, you'll have fun I promise"

"No I'm not going in there"

"Yes you are, I have to go to work"

"Can't I go with you?"

"Not today, I promise I'll be here to pick you up"

"Fine I'll go but I'm gonna hate it"

My mom took my hand and walked me into the classroom. We went in the room and met the teacher. She was a nice teacher too. She had me pick a seat and sit down. Naturally, I chose the table in the corner where there was no one else because I was very shy. My teacher, Mrs. Otten, had brought over some puzzles and coloring pages for me to work on while the rest of the class arrived.

In the middle of the class session, Mrs. Otten wanted us to get into pairs for an activity. I didn't want to, so I stayed in my seat. Then one of the other girls in my class came over and sat down with me. She had started to ask me all kinds of crazy questions but I didn't answer her right away.

"Hi, my name is Lilli, but you can call me Lil if you want"


Lilli could tell that I wasn't much of a talker so she asked me one word questions.

"Whats you're favorite color?"


"That's cool! mine is pink!"

I had begun to talk a little more by the time we were working on out closing activity. Some stupid boy named Cory came to the table Lilli and I were at and took our box of crayons from out of my hands. I had started to tear up. When Lilli looked at me she could tell I was about to cry. So she simply hit Cory on the head with her hand and he dropped the crayons. It was then that I knew who my best friend was going to be. Ever since, I was excited to go to school.

< First >

During the second week of school Lilli and her parents had gone on a cruise that lasted exactly three weeks. During those three weeks I didn't want to go to school. I used every excuse that I could think of at the time to stay home because it just wouldn't be the same without Lil, my best friend. I wouldn't be able to survive without her.

< Second>

Nothing out of the normal happened except that Lilli spent a lot more time at my house. At one point I thought my mom and dad had adopted her.

< Third >

Mid-way through this year I started having problems concentrating on my school work. I had spent everyday after-school until around seven o'clock at Lil's for at least two weeks because I couldn't stand to see mom, laying on the couch, crying until she fell asleep. She didn't understand how God could take away from her, the only man that she ever loved, my dad.

< Fourth >

Lil and myself grew closer to each other. So close that we started finishing each others sentences. Everyday after we finished homework, we would go to the playground and play spies or something. Also Lil would WANT to go to escape from her new step-mom. I never blamed her though, her step-mom was mean.

< Fifth >

The day I met Lil and my other best friend Erika. Lil was at home with the chicken pox and so I was swinging at recess by myself. Our classmate Tommy had come over to where I was happily enjoying my recess time and was being immature and threw a few twigs at me and calling me names. Erika, I supposed, saw this and ran over to Tommy and told him to leave me alone but then he started messing with her.

"Tommy stop bothering her"


"I mean it! stop messing with her or else"

"or else what?"

"or else...I'll mess with your face"

"you wouldn't do that"

"oh yeah"


Next thing I know Erika had punched Tommy in the face. She didn't break anything but did leave a bruise. The teacher who was outside with us just warned her not to do it again and then she came to swing with me and we introduced ourselves and started to talk.
Of course when Lil got better I told her what happened, introduced them to each other and then that's when we became the three amigos