Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


-Joe's POV-

I had Lil call Lynn to see where she ran off to. As soon as I heard Lil ask why she was outside I took off running. I needed to know why she ran off like that. I saw Lynn jogging in the direction of her house. She was not that far away, so I tried calling her but either she ignored me or did no hear me. I waited for Lil and Erika to come out before going with Kevin and Nick to the car to go to Lynn's house.

"yo, Joe"
"who are you?"
"Cory, a friend of Lynn's"
" do you know where she is going?"
"nope, sorry dude"
"JOSEPH! calm down" Nick and Kevin said in unison
"fine, whatever"
"look Joe I'm going to go back to Erika's with her, Lil, and the Cory kid, you go with Kevin to Lynn's house to see whats wrong"

Nick walked off with Lil, Erika, and Cory with one arm around Erika's waist. I was following Kevin to where ever it was that he parked the car. We got in the car and he drove to Lynn's house but no one was home or so it seemed. Her mom, I knew was at work since her car was not in the driveway. If it was not for nice plants and bushes in the yard, you could have sworn that the house had to be abandoned or something.

I knew the house would most likely be locked but Lynn had told me where the spare key was always kept. So i let myself in. I went straight to her room and to my surprise she was not there. I searched the whole upstairs, main level, and basement...but there was no sign of her even being in the house since this morning. I pulled out my phone and call Nick as I was on my way out the door, licking it behind me and placing the key back in its hiding place.

By this time Nick had not picked up his phone. I got back in the car and told Kevin to go to Erika's house.

-Lynn's POV-

I got to the tree house, climbed the ladder and crawled inside to the air mattress, bundled up in the blankets and started to cry. Not even 10 minutes later my phone was vibrating. I looked at the caller ID "LILLI". I read the text message and let her know I was okay and not to worry about me, I was at my special place. I then put my phone down, rolled over and cried until i fell asleep.

-Joe's POV-

We got to Erika's and I got out of the car and made a dash for the front door.

"hey Joe" Nick shouted
"Joe, something wrong?" Erika said in a worried voice
"uh yeah actually, I can't find Lynn anywhere" I blurted out

Then Lilli joined the conversation.

"Joe, don't worry about her, she's fine"
"how the hell do you know that?"
"because she told me she was, here look..." Lilli proceeded to show me the text Lynn sent her "...there, happy now?"
"no, I want to talk to her, where is she?"
"you can talk when she comes back and I wont tell you where she is because she goes there when she wants to be alone and only I know where it is...I promise she'll come back, she always does, when she's ready"

I did not live all that far from Erika, so I left and took a nice good long walk home. I took the long way so that I passed the neighborhood playground. I noticed that the landscape company were cutting down some trees to make room for more play equipment and that's when I spotted a nice looking tree house. I stopped for a brief second to send Lynn a text saying to call me later. I proceeded to walk toward that tree house. When I got closer it looked like it was in good condition as if someone had been using it every now and then.

-Lynn's POV-

I was sleeping got a good hour or so before being woken up by a text from Joe telling me to call him later. Then I heard someone climbing up the ladder to my tree house. So i made myself go back to sleep.


I climbed slowly up the ladder and went inside only to find a small sized girl sleeping all covered in many blankets. I walked over to the girl and slowly pulled the blankets away from her face. To my surprise it was Lynn. I kissed her on the forehead and went to sit against the nearest wall until she woke up.