Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat. I jumped out of bed to find my phone only to find myself tripping over something, rather someone. I stumbled over to the light switch. As I turned the light on I saw Joseph sitting on the floor. I was surprised that he even was here, in my room, after the way I treated him earlier. But he was there and I wasn’t going to make him leave. I sat on the floor next to him and just started to let the tears pour from my eyes. He wrapped his warm, strong arms around me and pulled me in close until I was in his lap. At this point I felt safe. Like no one could hurt me.

“Lynn, I know you’re probably mad at me but just remember that I love you so incredibly much and I’m sorry for everything I have and have not done”

“I love you too” I managed to get out with all the crying

“you don’t have to but just know that I’m here to listen if you want to talk about what happened”

I sat up and just looked at him very confused at to what he meant.

“Lynn, I’m not stupid I’ve known you long enough to know when you have a nightmare”

“oh that, yeah I’d rather not talk about it right now”

“well it may help”

“I guess so”

“so you going to tell me?”

“if I must

“I’m listening”

I explained my dream to him and he just looked at me as if I was crazy or something.

“babe, its alright, I’m here, I wont let anyone hurt you”


“I promise”

We got up and got into my bed and I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I fell asleep soon after and I’m assuming he did as well.

“Hasta La Vista, Imma say goodbye to you ….”

I woke up at 9AM to my phone ringing with Lilli’s ringtone. She was probably worried about me. I gently got up out of bed, at least that was until I was pulled back down by Joe’s strong arms. I turned to face him to see him smiling.

“Joe I have to answer me phone”
“just let it go to voicemail”
“but its Lil she is probably worried sick about me”
“call her back later please”
“fine you win”

He rolled over and was now on top of me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, then my lips. All of a sudden Lil comes busting into my room with Kevin right behind.


Lynn wasn’t answering her phone so I decided to go in and see if she was awake or not. Kevin followed closely behind me.

I didn’t mean to just bust the door open but it just happened and at the wrong time too.

“Lil its not what it looks like”
“uh huh suuuuuure”
“it really isn’t”
“oh Jesus Christ Joe what the hell are you doing?” Kevin said when he saw what was going on.
“Kevin we weren’t doing anything, come on we are still fully clothed” Joe relied
“right sure whatever you say man”

“hey Kev why don’t we just leave them alone?”
“alright, where do you want to go?”
“we can go to my room”
“your room”
“yeah since my dad and step-mom are away for like a whole month I’m staying here with Lynn”
“oh alright then”

We walked down the hall to the room that was given to me for whenever I was over and needed somewhere to stay. I let Kevin in first and I shut the door behind me. We both said on my bed. He seemed to have something on his mind because he wasn’t very talkative.

“Kevin, is something bothering you?”
“umm kind of”
“well what it is?”
“well I like this girl, and I’m around her just about all of the time but I don’t know if she likes me for more then a friend”
“have you told her that you like her?”
“not exactly”
“why not?”
“there always people around when I get up the courage to tell her”
“oh I’m sorry, I’m sure she likes you too”
“I can’t take it anymore she needs to know”
“then go tell her”

Then all of a sudden he kissed me. I was very confused. He broke the kiss and looked straight into my eyes.

“Lilli Elizabeth Gavin, I love you”