Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


As soon as I heard those words come from Kevin’s lips my heart just stopped. I didn’t know what to say back. I didn’t know anything as a matter of fact. I didn’t know where I was, what time it was, what day it was, I even forgot who was sitting with me. I didn’t know what to do. I had been waiting for this day for a long time and here it was, Paul Kevin Jonas the second telling me that he loves me. All I could manage to do was quickly get up and run out of the room and down the street to who knows where. He probably thinks I don’t like him like that but in all honesty I do. I love Kevin. I always have and I just blew my chance to be with him. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I muttered to myself as I smacked my forehead a few times.

I was started by someone putting their hand on my shoulder.

“you know you lose 3 brain cells every time you hit your head?”
I turned around to see none other then Kevin.

“heh, maybe that’s why I’m not smart enough to say that I love you back when you tell me that you love me”

I just sat there wide eyed shocked that I just said that out loud

“did I just say that out loud?”
“um yeah you did”
I couldn’t do anything but sit there with a somewhat awkward smile.

Kevin’s POV

She ran away from me as I told her I loved her. I ran after her, I wasn’t letting her go. When I finally caught up to her I found her on a park bench, smacking herself. I placed my hand on her shoulder and told her that she loses 3 brain cells every time she hits her head. Then she said that she loved me and made an awkward like smile. I don’t know why though. I mean I could understand if she didn’t already know that I loved her back but she knows that I do so I didn’t understand.

We sat there for about an hour before my cell started blowing up with Joseph’s ring tone.

“where are you at? I heard you run out of the house, man where did you go?”
“don’t worry about it bro I’m fine, not harmed or anything, just sitting and talking to Lil at the park”
“oh okay. So did you tell her yet?”
“yes, that’s why I had to run out of the house
“I had to run after her, she didn’t say anything, just ran, and I ran after her”
“oh okay, well come back home sometime before mom flips out”
“alright, alright, stop going all parental on me”
“okay, see ya”
“see ya”

Lynn’s POV

Joe and myself heard Lil and Kevin run out of the house. After about 5 minutes Joe went and called Kevin, even though I told him not to, but Joe will be Joe. He found out that Lil and Kev are at the park talking, about what I have no clue. I will have to ask her later.

“Lynn?...Lynn…. hello? Earth to Lynn!”
“huh what?”
“are you okay?”
“yeah Joe I’m fine, just thinking that’s all”
“about what?” Joe asked in his childish voice.
“nothing don’t worry about it”
“okay babe, I’m hungry lets go get food” He said as he grabbed my wrist and began to take off toward the kitchen.
“whats wrong?”
“you’re hurting my wrist”
“awe I’m sorry, let me make it feel better”

Joe gently kissed my wrist assuming that would makes things all better. When in reality it would take about a week or so to be better.

“Joe that’s not going to ACTUALLY make it better”
“its okay”
“you sure”
“okay, now lets go get food”

I followed him downstairs and into my kitchen. As Joe raided the fridge for whatever he was craving.

“um Joe”
“I’ll be right back I’m going to go grab a hoodie or something, I’m kinda cold”

Joe's POV

As I was raiding Lynn’s fridge she told me she was going to go get a hoodie because she was cold. How could she be cold? It is like 80 degrees in her house. Why on Earth would she need a God-forsaken hoodie.

I heard her coming back down which pulled me from my thoughts.

“okay, did you find something you wanted?”
“no, not really.”
“well what do you want then?”
“the truth”
I chuckled a bit. “Joe, I don’t think that is something you can eat”
“Lynn, I’m being serious, I want to know the truth.”
“about what? You know I don’t keep anything from you”
“then tell me what happened after I left the tree house yesterday”
“nothing, I just went back to sleep for a little bit before coming home and passing out in my bed”
“then how do you explain these?”

I reached over the breakfast bar and pulled her sleeve back to revealed the cuts she had made yesterday.

“how did you know?”
“Lynn, I’m not stupid.”
“one, its 80 degrees in here, you don’t ‘need’ a hoodie, you’re not cold. And two, when you came back yesterday I noticed the bandage on you arm and I took it off to find out why and I saw the cuts. Like I said Lynn, I’m not stupid.”

She then had started to let a few tears fall from her beautiful eyes and she turned and ran up to her room. I followed but I wasn’t quick enough because she slammed her door right in my face.

“Lynn, please let me in”
“go away. go home. leave.”
“please, can we talk about this.”
“no Joe, just leave me alone for now”

I did as she wished and I left. I went home and went straight to my room, shut and locked the door. I did not want to be bothered. I needed my space right now, to think things over. Figure out what I really wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry that its been so long since i updated this, but with school and all i just now got around to having time to write again. hope you enjoy the update. hopefully more will be coming soon.
