Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


It was the middle of the summer and I had been dating Cory for...crap I don't remember how long but since the eighth grade farewell dance. He's been really sweet though. He even calls me in the middle of the night to make sure I'm okay and of course I always say "no" and he has to ask why and I am forced to say "because you woke me up at such and such time in the morning" and then I end up hanging up and putting my phone on silent or turning it off completely. But anyway he's taking me to the movies tonight and I hope he picks something good...any horror movie would be fine with me.

> 2 hours later <

So I've been sitting here waiting for an hour or so for Cory to pick me up. I've tried calling him but he wont pick up...the house or his cell. I waited at least another half hour (just to be safe) before going back upstairs and changing out of my jean skirt and halter top into my gym shorts and a t-shirt. I then had gone back downstairs put on my flip-flops and pulled on my hoodie.

I started down the street to Cory's house when my cell starts to vibrate. I looked at it and it was a text from Lil. Call Me it read. So I called her.

"hey why'd you want me to call"
"oh I wanted to know how the movie was"
"yeah about that"
"what happened?"
"Lynn Isabelle Quinton tell me what happened now before i drag my butt across the lawn to your house"
"fine...Cory never showed up"
"WHAT!? I'm gonna kick his ass!"
"now! der"
"NO! I'm on my way way to his house right now"
"I'm coming with...wait for me"
"no I have to go talk to him on my own"
"okay whatever floats your boat"
"yeah well I'm ya later"
"tay late"

I walked up the sidewalk and onto the porch. I rang the doorbell and Cory's mom answered it.

"hey Lynn"
"hey, is Cory here?"
"yeah he's in his room"

I walked up the stairs and to his room. The door was shut. I was about to knock when I heard someone, another girl, say she loves him. And to my surprise he said it back and it sounded more meaningful then when he says it to me. At that point I had tears running down my face as I kicked his door. Then ran down the stairs as he opened the door. I guess he saw me because he was running after me as I ran back to my house. He finally caught up to me and grabbed my arm, which caused me to stop running and all he had to say was sorry.

"Lynn I'm sorry"
"for what? hurting me, breaking my heart, making me think I could trust you"
"no...don't say anything because I'm's over"
"no I'm DONE!"

The rest of the summer I spent with Lil and Erika as they helped me get over Cory's lame two timing ass. We had a fun shopping trip for new school clothes and that made me feel better. But I was still scared about getting ready to start high school.