Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


< Junior >

To start, this is the hardest year ever yet. Teachers are overloading us with homework, not to mention they put a project on top of it all. But anyway Erika and Nick are now dating. Nick asked her out two weeks ago and they have been inseparable ever since. They don't care about the age difference either. I cant wait for this year to finally be over in like a month. Joe is going insane from all the senior assemblies that he has to go to...because he's not going to college. He keeps saying "this is stupid. Rock stars don't go to college!" and I always laugh. Kevin...well he kinda sits around the house writing songs and all until we get out. Then he comes to pick up Lil, Erika and Nick. Joe drives us to school and Kev picks them up and i go home with Joe. Lil was doing fairly well, with the occasional 'why do was always want what we can never have' asked to me from her. Then there is me, who was falling, falling hard for Joe. I just love everything about him, his smile, his laugh, his scent...even sometimes his immature actions.

Anyway junior prom is coming up and I want to ask Joe but I want to talk to Lil and Erika about it first.

~~next day~~

YAY! Sleepover at Erika's tonight. It's just going to be me and Lil... and of course Erika...hmmm...S should get my stuff packed.

~~2 hrs later~~

"so Lynn...are you going to junior prom?"

"Erika come on what do you think?"

Erika and Lil just laughed at me as if it wasn't obvious that I wanted to talk to them about it.

"I actually wanted both of your opinions on something"

"go ahead" Lil said and let out a sigh

"well I was thinking about asking J.."



Erika and Lil said as they dint let me finish my sentence and question because they knew what I was going to ask.

"well okay then...I just don't know when to ask him"

" bout tomorrow when they come over?"

"okay Erika"

That night was amazing. Not only did I figure out when, where, and how I was going to ask Joe, Lilli did the same but she was going to ask Kevin. It was SO obvious she liked him.

I'm slightly awake and looking at the clock and it reads 7:45 AM. I rolled over and went back to sleep. About an hour later I hear Erika get up. I swear that girl can not be quiet enough to save her life. I could tell that she was clearly on the phone with Nick, like EVERY morning. Within the next two hours I had fallen asleep once more but only to be awakened by Joseph. I could tell it was him, I could tell by the way he smelled...I knew that scent anywhere.

Apparently Erika had let Joe and Kevin in to wake Lil and me up. I got aggravated by Joe aggressively tugging at my shirt to get me up. I got really annoyed with Joe so I kinda gave him a small punch to the face.

"OWWW!...what did I do?" Joe asked as he looked at Lil open her eyes.

"she wants her sleep...ooh sleep sounds good right now" Lil said as she rolled over and TRIED to go back to sleep.

"but I want her up"

"yeah and I want you up" Kevin said directed toward Lil

"fine Joe I'm up but I refuse to be happy about it"

"okay" he responded

"LILLI! get up"

"fine but I'm joining your grumpy party"

"woot party" i said in a not so enthused about being up tone

"woot" Lil said in hers

I got my butt up and dragged it downstairs to eat breakfast. After I ate, I went upstairs to shower and get dressed. When I came out of the bathroom I saw Joe standing there/

"hey Joe"

"hey Lynn"

"I'm done now so you can use the bathroom"

"okay but that's not why I came up here"

"okay...then why?"

"I was told by Erika that you wanted to talk to me"

"uh...yeah but now?"

"I don't have all day"


I looked around and pulled Joe into Erika's room.

"okay so I was wondering if you would go to junior prom with me...just as friends of course"

"of course...just...friends...sure I'll go with you"

"thank you, your the best" I said as I gave Joe a HUGE hug.

We walked downstairs and we ran into Lilli asking Kevin and he said he would.

~~1/2 week later~~

Junior prom was so much fun or as Joe and Kev said

"it was a blast...B.L.A.S.T...double exclamation dot dot."

I love those boys.

~~Later that week~~

Okay so not that I'm NOT freaked or anything but Joe has been acting all know...not himself...I wonder whats up...oh well I'll just get Nick or Kev to tell me.

I'm also excited though because the boys are coming home from the Baby Bottle Pop commercial. They are going to come over, as well as Lil and Erika, and watch the premier.

It is now 7:00 PM and an hour before the commercial premier. I'm just laying on my bed in the dark when my door is opened and I looked over only to see a dark figure standing int he doorway. A few minutes later they walked in and closed the door and once again it was pitch black. Next thing I know they are laying next to me. It wasn't just anyone though, it was Joseph Adam Jonas. i could tell because his scent was so distinctive. I could pick him out of a room full of people...while blindfolded.

"hey Lynn"

"hey Joe"

"can I ask you something?"

"yeah of course"

"okay well I was wanting to know if you would go to senior prom with me?

"yeah that would be cool, I mean since you went with me to junior prom"

"but that's the thing I don't want to go as friends"

"Joe what do you mean? you're scaring me"

"I mean that I want you to go with me as my girlfriend"


"Lynn I love you"

"since're always messing with me"

"since the day I sat next to you in biology first day at this school...and I mess with you because I love's my way of flirting"

"Joe I don't know what to say I mean I'll go with you but that doesn't mean anything. It's just that my heart is fragile and almost two years ago it was broken and I'm still trying to find someone to come and put it back together knowing that they aren't going to go and break it all over again"

"Lynn if you give me a chance i can be that someone, I promise, I would NEVER dream of hurting you ... EVER."

"I'll think about okay?"


~~a month later~~

Senior prom was fun. I know now that Joe loves me for me. No one has been able to keep us apart since the night he asked me to prom. I love Joe so much.