Status: On Hold.

Bruised And Broken


< Senior >

I hate and love not being able to drive at the same time.

1. I have to wait for my ride to pick me up because I have half days.
2. I don't mind because my way home or to work is Joe ... when he is home that is.

Joe is the sweetest guy ever and he even calls me in the middle of the night just to hear my voice and to make sure everything is okay.

Lilli is staying with me until her dad and step-mom get back from the cruise that they went on.

GOD! Why does Joe have to be famous and part of the hottest rock band. I miss him. He hasn't even called me in two weeks. Although I'm not as depressed about having the boys be gone for so long as Erika is...which is unusual because I'm normally the really emotional one. I know for a fact that Lil misses Kev even though she refuses to show it or tell anyone for that matter. I think I'm going to go call Joe since he cant seem to call me. At least Kevin and Nick call us, even if it is only for a whole two seconds, but whatever.

~~2 hours later~~

I'm on the phone with Joseph and he is STILL being all weird. He isn't as talkative as he normally is. he is actually rather quiet and not saying much of anything. I mean he was acting all weird last year before he told me he loved me but this time was different. Whatever hopefully it'll pass.

"hey Joe"


"sorry but I have to go, mom needs me for something"

"okay I'll call you later"

"you better"

"okay bye" Joe said as he let out a soft chuckle.

I hung up my phone and threw my body onto my bed. After an hour of laying there looking at the writing on my ceiling which read:

Dear Lynn,

I Love You !

xoxo Joe

Which Joe had painted up their when we were painting my room the day after his senior prom. But anyway, after laying there for an hour I was starting to doze off and then finally I was out.

~~next morning~~

Lilli came into my room and turned on my ipod radio and turned the volume ALL the way up, which caused me to jump two feet out of bed.



I decided to get my lazy ass up and just turn it off, or maybe just down, myself.

"Jesus Christ Lil, are you trying to make me deaf?"


" time just use a fog horn or something"

"but...awe you're no fun"

Just then we heard someone practically bust down the front door and start of the stairs. They opened my room door and knocked me and Lil to the ground. It was Erika, and might I add that she was happier then she has been for a while now.

"ERIKA!" Lil shouted

"get off us" I added

She got up and helped us up.

"OMJ you guys"

"what" Lil and myself said in unison

"the boys are coming home today"

Lil and I looked at each other and then back at Erika. After a moment of silence we started screaming and jumping up and down.

When we had calmed down we put on my Jonas Brother playlist on my ipod.

After randomly busting out into song and dance, Lil and I got ourselves dressed and had lunch.

By 1:00 we had consumed SO much sugar we could not sit still...we were literally bouncing off the walls. I realized that our craziness could not be contained and suggested that we got outside.

Once we got outside we were running around acting all crazy. It was so bad, our neighbors were staring at us.

After we stopped running around like a bunch of crazies that had escaped from the insane asylum, we went to the small park and did cartwheels and stuff.

I was so hyper at one point i was talking all crazy.

"hey Lynn look over here" I looked at Lil and she had a video camera.

"haha nice Lil"

"uh-huh, no problem"

At this point i ran up to the camera and shouted"


Erika had come running over to us.

"Lynn you're suck a DORK! but its okay we still love you"

"tell me something i DON'T know"

"'re acting like Joe"

I stopped running and thought for a minute.


"yeah" Erika stated

"huh...I didn't know that"

"maybe that's why you two are perfect for each other" Lil added


~~hours later~~

We had calmed down but were all hot and sweaty. I was the first to take a shower and then Erika and now Lil is getting ready to get in.

Erika is downstairs doing who knows what and I'm just laying on my bed. I rolled over onto my back from my side and stared once again at the words Joe had painted on my ceiling a little over a year ago.

Just then Joe bust my door open, ran in, and dragged me off my bed and into his arms. At that moment I knew Joe had missed me a lot. Even though if i asked he would probably deny it.

Once Joe let go we walked downstairs to see Nick and Erika cuddling on teh couch and Kevin standing there looking like he was feeling a tad awkward.

"hey Kevy"

"hey, how have you been?"

"I've been good"

"that's good"


I gave Kev a hug, told him about things that are coming our final exams of high school. I was on my way to the couch to give Nick a hug, when Joe decided to start the game he calls 'tickle the life out of Lynn'.

I was finally able to catch my breath and talk.

"oh Kevin, Lil is upstairs"

"oh okay"

"I don't know if she is out of the shower yet but her room is two doors down from mine"

"okay thanks Lynn"

"mhmm no problem"

It was SO obvious that he was falling for her.


We spent time with the boys and then headed to bed to get sleep for our first of our last exams. Joe stayed and helped me study. Lil went home with Kevin and Nick because Kevin offered to help her study and to make sure she got enough sleep.