Status: Complete

Love in Detention

Love In Detention

"Argh! I can't believe I have detention!!" groaned Allie. "I was late to class-"

"6 times this whole week," cut off her best friend Claire.

"And THAT is because school is overrated. But now I have to go to Saturday detention," Allie made a pouty face making Claire laugh.


"I can't believe that Saturday detention is freakin 5 hours!!" she thought as she waited for Mr. Lewis to check off her name on the list.

"Okay. Sit over there," he pointed at an empty seat two rows from the back and started looking for the next person's name.

Allie dropped her bag on the table and plopped down on the chair and shivered lightly. "Why did this room have to be so cold? It's like they want us to suffer when we're already giving up 5 freakin hours of our weekend. Grrr..."

Allie looked around the classroom to see if there was anyone she knew.

No one.

But there was someone who caught her eye.

There he was sitting next to an open window at the corner desk. He wasn't talking obnoxiously like the other students. He was sitting quietly reading a thick book. His dark brown hair hung over his eyes messily like he just got out of bed - which is what Allie did, but her hair wasn't as messy.

He must have felt a stare on him because he moved his hair out of his eyes and looked straight back at Allie. Her gaze fell and she turned forward in her chair.

"He's so... mysterious..." Allie then went through her binder to finally start her essay that was due the following Monday. "This is going to be so long..."


Allie looked at her cellphone. "Damn. Only 10:25. A freakin hour and twenty-five minutes and I got nothing on this stupid essay."

She looked around boredly, but her real reason to look around was to peek at that mysterious guy who read the book. But as she glanced over at him, her brown eyes connected with his light greens and her heart pounded faster.

A gust of wind blew from the opened window and made his hair rustle like the leaves of the trees. Allie felt her face go hot. She looked away from him. "Stupid wind making him look more mysterious than he already is. Rawr!"

Allie's hands went digging in her backpack, but then a sudden thought blasted into her mind. "He was looking at me before I looked at him! Ehh!?" She felt very self-conscious as she slowly took out a book that her class was reading for English.

"20 minutes until break, students!" Mr. Lewis called out.

"There's breaks in detention? Well... I guess, there IS five hours."

Before Allie knew, twenty minutes passed and they could go anywhere... on campus. =[

"Everybody out! I'm locking the door!" ushered the annoying teacher who dressed like a man-nurse.

Allie moved sluggishly out the door with that mysterious dude folliwing close behind her. She leaned on the lockers across the hall not feeling like going around the school. Allie mindlessly looked around to see Mysterious Guy standing on the other side of the hall pulling out his ipod. Allie unconsciously started observing him.

His movements were the ripples of the water as a gentle breeze blew across a still lake, silent and flowing. He exuded this aura that Allie could only explain as confidence. Yet, there was something that puzzled her about him. He seemed like a riddle that she couldn't get.

Allie was staring so hard at him that she didn't even notice he was doing the same thing.

Their eyes met and both of them didn't back down. Cronus seemed to stop time between the two. After what seemed to be days, Allie realized that they were staring at each other and bit her lip.

He was still gazing at her curiously like he was waiting for her to say something.

"So... uh... what are you listening to?" Allie questioned awkwardly. Her heart pounded in her ears loudly. She felt dizzy from shyness.

He seemed to be searching for an answer. "Dream Theater." His voice was deep and masculine, flowing like his movements. His voice was soft enough to pierce her ears.


There was another silence that swept over them. Allie watched him take out an ear piece. "Do you wanna listen?"

Allie smiled and walked over to him taking up his offer. Unknowingly, his lip turned upward in a little smile.


The next days went by and Allie still hasn't seen that mysterious music man. She walked through the hallways of the crowded school feeling that same disappointment sweeping over her.

Allie made her way to the back of the school feeling like she just got out of a dusty closet. She looked around and there he was, sitting quietly reading a thick book. His hair swept to the side from the gust of wind that combed through his dark brown locks. That same confident riddle still surrounded him.

She smiled and took a step forward...