A Trip To Tre Cool's Thoughts

Tre's Theory of the Future

I came up to Billie and Mike one day and said "Hey guys! Today I was wondering what will happen in the future. This is what I think will happen... "

"In about 3 years time, Michael Jackson will be elected as president and he will make up a dance for American Idiot. Then Kurt Cobain will come back to life and shoot Michael Jackson and take over as president and he'll plant daisies at everyone's houses. A few years later Gerard Way becomes CEO of the FBI. He ends up shooting Eminem and 50 Cent.

Then Elvis appears out of nowhere with Marilyn Monroe and they plan to take over Detroit and New York. Their plan backfires and George Bush becomes a hobo. Travis Barker takes control of MTV and 100% of the programs are about Billie Joe's long lost cousin's aunt's great grandmother's cousin's son who likes to eat pasta that lives in a bin in Indonesia, who is related to Dee Dee Ramone's imaginary pet bear monkey, who moved to Croatia to become CEO of a factory that makes toilet seats. Then Kurt Cobain dies again and I take over as president.

Bert McCracken shows up at the White House wearing a green and pink dragon costume with blue converses. Then I put Hilary Duff in a microwave and send her to Uranus. Joel Madden turns up at the White House looking for Hilary so I put him in a box and send him to Mongolia. Some box factory in India explodes. Travis Barker gets sued for no reason at all and MTV blows up. Mike finally realizes that me and Billie once got him drunk and got him a tattoo on his back that says "Free Hugs." Mike gets pissed off and tries to kill Billie.

Billie accidentally steps on the 'Destroy Humanity' button and everyone tries to save themselves (No one dies... except Mary Kate and Ashley... ) A little girl in Australia drowns New Zealand in ketchup. Gerard Way resigns as CEO of the FBI and becomes owner of a local HMV store. Frank Iero's grandmother sells frogs to Elvis. Marilyn Monroe goes to the moon. Lindsay Lohan has another car accident except this time she actually does die. Everyone celebrates and Ashlee Simpson picks up a gun and points it to herself and says "Hmm... I wonder what will happen if I pull the trigger?"

I'm still president and Billie and Mike finally stop fighting. Billie Joe's long lost cousin's aunt's great grandmother's cousin's son who likes to eat pasta that lives in a bin in Indonesia, who is related to Dee Dee Ramone's imaginary pet bear monkey, who moved to Croatia to become CEO of a factory that makes toilet seats retires and turns into a cheesecake, who is mistaken for a llama and gets shot out of a cannon and sent over to Italy to be stuffed and put in a museum. Russia gets covered in peanuts and cabbages. I suddenly get magic powers and I turn Hilary Duff's mum into a traffic cone. Eminem comes back to life and goes to the Hong Kong Disneyland."

Billie and Mike looked at me and sighed.
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eheh this is my fave chapter so far. (and it's also the last one i have) :(


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