Saving You Sent Me Here

The Flashback

“Helena, don’t even think about it! You have children at home. You have me!”

This had been going on for about a half hour now. She wanted to leave this world. But I wouldn't let her.

“But Derek, my brother just died! You knew how close we were! I’m practically nothing with out him!”

“You still have me!”

Helena looked down at the side walk, which was 12 stories away, “Fine.”

She stepped back, away from the edge. I ran over and put my hands on her shoulder, “Don’t you ever try that again!”

I pulled her into a hug.

“I’m sorry.” She started crying.

“Shh. It’s okay.”

Her cell phone started ringing, “One sec. babe.”

I smiled as she walked off talking to Jana.
Then a thought came into my mind, “Was she really going to jump?”

I looked over the edge and down at the people walking by, living their lives with out all these problems. They could actually live their life, knowing that their wife or husband wasn’t going to jump off the edge of a 12 story building.

“Derek, are you ready to go home?”

“Yeah.” I backed up away from the edge. I stilled looked down at the sidewalk.


The next thing I knew was the sidewalk was coming closer and closer to me. Then, total black out.