Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!


Sitting at the airport, dozing in my seat, I already hated my 'husband'.

Guess what time our plane leaves. 11am.
Guess what time it is now. 8.30am.
I didn't even know that this time still existed!

Gerard came back over from the coffee place, and coffee in each hand. As he got closer, I sat back up on the seat. "So," I started, taking a sip, not bothering to thank him. "Would you care to explain why you get me up and seven in the fucking morning, when our plane doesn't even arrive 'til eleven?"

"Because, this way we can be all sorted out for when the plane arrives,"

"We can be sorted out if we get here at ten." I point out.

"Okay, so I'm organized, and I like the be places early."

"Figures." I muttered under my breath.

There was a small awkward silence, before I turned to Gerard, and looked at him intently. He really was hot. "Okay, so seeing as we're 'married'. I think we should get to know each other." I smirked, trying to make light of our shitty situation.

"My ass tells me we already 'got to know each other'" He said, cringing, and using his fingers as quote marks.

"Not like that," I said, punching his arm. "I mean something really lame, like - 20 questions." I chuckled.

"You're not serious?!"

"I wasn't but I'm bored, and by marrying me, you've taken the role of entertaining me." I chuckled. He just rolled his eyes, before telling me to start the questions. "Okay, Question 1; Whens your birthday?" I know that was a lame start, but it was the first thing I could think of. It's too early to use my brain!

"Ninth of April" He answered.

I asked a few more pointless questions, before getting to some of the more interesting ones.
"Question 11; What's the most embarrassing things that's happened to you?"

He paused. "You know in shitty teen films, when the main character graduates high-school, but they're obviously a klutz, and they fuck over walking towards the principle," he said, I nodded, stifling a laugh, almost certain that I knew what he was going to say. "Well, I didn't just fuck over. I kinda, tripped on those stupid little robes, fell forwards onto the head, making him fall back into some woman who was there for no reason, and she managed to fall right off of the stage and into the audience. I was humiliated." He sighed. I couldn't hold it in. I was practically screaming with laughter. He chuckled along too, but was obviously still pretty humiliated about the whole ordeal.

"Question 12; What were you like in high school?"

"I don't know. I wasn't hated by everyone, but I wasn't liked either. I was just the weird kid who was just kind of left alone all the time. People didn't really get me."

"Booooring" I laughed. "Question 13; What kind of guy do you like?" I asked, using a slightly girly voice as I said it.

"Physically or mentally?"


"Okay, well I'd want someone younger than me, so that'd mean someone shorter as well. Black hair, hazel eyes," he paused and sighed. "I think someone strong emotionally, who's really passionate about what they do career wise. I think it'd be cool if they had tattoo's because I could design him one...that'd rule" he smiled, before looking back at me. "Yeah, that's about it"

My cheeks puffed out with contained laughter, while he raised an eyebrow at me. I let out a high-pitched giggle. "You are aware you just described me!" I laughed harder. His eyes went wide for a second, before he blushed and look away.

"This game sucks," He said, pouting slightly.

"Yeah, but look at the time, it wasted an hour."

"So it did," he chuckled, then looked at me expectantly for another question.

"Hm. What did you think of me when I first came onto the plane on Friday?"

"What. The. Fuck?!" He answered.

"C'mon that isn't a weird question at all," I laughed.

"I know. That was my answer," He chuckled back.

"Oi!" I jeered, punching him lightly in the arm.

It really was kind of a shame that we were married. I'm sure that I'd find myself growing to like Gerard as a friend over time, but being forced to live with him would mean that our lifestyles would collide, and we just wouldn't get on at all.
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This was just a filler, which is why I posted it even due to lack of comments D: