Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!


Gerards POV

We were finally on the plane, and had run out of 20 questions so were now just asking random questions to each other left, right and center. "Tell me about your childhood," I asked, genuinely interested. He'd been asking me all the immature questions like how many times a day I jerk off or whatever. I was a little more interested in finding out about his past and what-not.

He scrunched up his nose a little. "It wasn't really much of a childhood. I was originally from New York and I don't remember much before the age of six, but I don't think many people do. When I was six, I remember that my Dad left, and my mum was really messed up about it, she wanted comforting in the form of another relationship so was dating this string of guys who weren't even worth a second of her attention. There was one, and he stayed for ages and ages but that was only because my mum was too afraid to leave because he was constantly hitting her and threatening to kill her if she left. At this point I was only about ten, so I didn't really understand the danger and stood up to him. He lost it and beat me up. That night, when he left to go to the pub and drink away his anger, me and my mum left, got a taxi, but only had enough to take us to New Jersey. I started a school there and it wasn't like my last one, I had a lot of friends then, but in this one everyone hated me. I got shoved into lockers and shit all the time. It was pretty sucky." He said everything almost casually.

"That's terrible,"

"It's not really a big deal. I was never depressed or anything, I was just stuck in a situation that I didn't like, but I knew it was only temporary. Everything works out for the better, just look at my mum, she was desperate to be back in a relationship, she had that shitty one, and boom, she hasn't been in one since - and she's happy with that,"

I smiled at him slightly. All his past experiences had made him into a zen master or something like that.

We finally landed at the New Jersey airport, and we decided that we were going to go to Franks first and explain everything to his mother - my mother-in-law - and let Frank pick up his stuff so he could move in at mine. I pretty much cringed at this though.

* * *

"Mum's gonna have a fit." He stated as we pulled up to his house. He lived down so many little back roads, I don't even know how he remembers the way!

"I'm sure if you explain the situation, she'll understand."

"She'll react the same way as Zack."

He pulled his bag out of the backseat and we walked hesitantly up to the front door. He pulled a key out and opened the front door, stepping into the hall way, and looked around. I followed directly behind him, fearing I'd get stuck in a random room alone, and having his mother come in and think I'm a burglar or something!

"Frank Anthony Iero Jr, is that you?!" A shrill voice echoed off of the hallway.

"Yeah Mum, it's me," Frank sighed, putting his bag down and walking into a kitchen, with me still hot at his heels.

"Oh my God! You are grounded for the rest of your natural born life, do you hear me?! Flying off to Las Vegas just leaving me a note on the table," She picked up a piece of paper. "'Gone to Vegas. Be back Monday'? What the hell kind of cryptic message is that?!" She wailed, her arms flailing. "Who the fuck is this?" She asked, pointing a finger at me.

Frank swallowed hard, and I could practically hear his heart hammering into his chest. "Okay mum, don't get mad, but - I got really drunk Saturday night, and well," He paused. "This is my husband."

"H-Husband?! But I've never even met the boy!"

"Me either. It just kinda happened, and there's some new rule thing that prevents us from getting a divorce for seven months,"

His mum kind of paused for a second, before looking back and forth between the two of us before wailing out in hysterical laughter. Frank just stood there, an irritated look on his face, while my face stained with a violent blush, and I shifted awkwardly from one foot to another.

Did you know, that a blush is actually all the blood running to your face, ready to give you enough energy to run away. True fact.

"I'm only here to pack, I have to move in with Gerard for the next seven months because they're going to send a marriage councilor person to see us like once a month or something." Frank said before heading up the stairs to get some things.

"So, you're my son-in-law? Wow can my son chose wisely" she said, placing a finger onto my chin, and examining my face. I just gave her a weak smile not really knowing what to say.

After only about 5 minutes of waiting, and awkward references made by Franks mum, Frank plodded down the stairs with two bags following behind him."I'm off now, mum." He said, almost sprinting down the hall towards the door.

"Not without saying goodbye, you're not!" she chuckled, running after him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind to stop him. I just giggled as I took in to whole scene.

"I'll take these to the car while you say goodbye," I offered while Frank was being suffocated in a bone crunching mum-hug.

"He's such a nice boy," I heard Franks mum say as I walked out of the door. Part of me wishes that I'd stayed and listened to Franks reply, but I figured it would be something I wouldn't want to hear considering the situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda like this...yah.
