Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Welcome Home


Frank stepped out of Gerards car after he'd pulled his it into an apartment block car park that was not too far away from his own home. Definitely within walking distance, so if he wanted to run away, he wouldn't have to haul his lazy ass far.

This place looked okay, but it was definitely nothing special, and Frank was sure that it didn't cost a lot. He followed Gerard through the front door and into the main hall, where Gerard promptly headed towards an elevator, pressing the button to call the elevator down.

"Gerard?" Frank said, somewhat nervously, after witnessing Gerard press the button. Gerard turned around slowly to face Frank, letting him know that he had his attention. "Are there any stairs here?"


"Because I don't like small spaces," Frank trailed off, chewing on his lip, slightly embarrassed that his tough exterior was wearing off already.

"Aww," Gerard cooed. "Yeah, there are stairs, they're over here," he smiled at him, pinching his cheek patronizingly as he went past.

'Asshole' is all that Frank thought to that gesture, as he rolled his eyes and followed Gerard to the stairs.

They climbed up a grand total of five sets of stairs, Frank puffing from exhaustion several steps behind Gerard, because of the amount of things that he had to carry up the stairs and the amount of help that Gerard was certainly not offering. When they finally stopped climbing up the stairs, Gerard stopped to pull a key out of his pocket, and Frank was sure that he was taking his time on purpose.

"Just think," Gerard began, chuckling to himself. "You get to walk up those stairs every single day," Frank just glared at the back of his head, following his husband through the now opened door.

"That is assuming I leave the place at all," Frank shot back, being the smart-ass that he truly was.

"Fair enough, but I'll have you know it gets very boring round here alone,"

"I don't care," Frank dropped his bags on the floor, causing a terrible thudding noise to emit around the room, before he actually took a look around.

The first room you step into is the living room, and completely opposite where the door is, is a window with a slightly slanted desk in front of it. In the middle of the room was a sofa with a coffee table in front which was covered in magazines and comics. In line with the sofa was a television. It was only a small room, and Frank hated the thought of sharing such a small space with someone he didn't know all too well.
Along the wall to the left hand side of the room were shelves, and also a door. Frank followed Gerard through it and found himself in a kitchen/dining room. This room was a bit bigger because technically it was just two rooms joined together as one. Walking back into the other room he noticed that straight ahead of him, and on the right hand side of the front door, there was another two doors. He went through the one closest to the front door, and found a bedroom, obviously Gerards. He left that room quickly, not wanting to pry too much, and went through the last door to find, just as he suspected, a bathroom.

"It's pretty basic," Gerard said as Frank was leaving the bathroom.

"I noticed," He glanced around again. "And where do I sleep exactly?"

"Right here," Gerard smiled smugly, plonking himself on the sofa.

Frank just smirked in reply. He was used to sleeping on couches so it didn't bother him, and also, he knew that at some point he'd be able to make it work to his advantage.Looking around again he noticed how orderly and neat everything was. He voiced this to Gerard who answered with, "Yeah, I know, I prefer it like that - so don't go fucking it up!"

Frank just raised an eyebrow and Gerards obvious protection over the neatness of the room, and knew that he was a really messy person - so after only a week, there'd probably be arguments over the matter.

He stood up again, and continued to look around, and stopped at the slanted desk where he saw a few bits of paper. He lifted them up to see some drawings on them. He would've examined them closer - but didn't really get much of a chance because they were snatched from his hand by Gerard who held them protectively against his chest.

"Don't look at those," he said, through almost gritted teeth.

"Why not?"

"They're just private. Plus I don't like people looking at unfinished work because I feel that it jinxes it,"

"Oh - Okay..." Frank said slowly, cocking an eyebrow.

"Just, don't go near this desk at all, okay?"

Frank didn't answer; he just rolled his eyes and willed himself to trip over the leg of the coffee table or some form of wire that would cause him to his his head an fall into a seven month coma.
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