Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Sickly excuses

I felt awkward and nervous. This was not something that I usually felt, but being on this stage without any alcohol in my system was just not working for me. I could feel peoples eyes on me, and I knew that they were listening to what I was singing. To what it was playing.

When I was drunk, I just did my thing. I was too far under the influence to notice what was going on around me. I'd happily throw my small body from the left of the stage to right and back again, but right now, my feet were rooted to the spot and I couldn't seem to move them.

I could feel Gerards eyes on my shaking form all the way through the set and that made me feel even more uncomfortable. Mainly because if he really was my husband, he'd be supportive of me. He'd be there, a look on his face that told me that he was proud that I was up here completely sober, but the look on his face right now. It was joy.

He looked thrilled that I was in this awkward position, and I'm pretty sure he was going to rip the shit out of me for weeks because I was frozen to the spot and not sounding as good as I'd bragged about us being. Was this really how we always sounded? Or was it worse when I was drunk because I couldn't even remember the words half of the time.

We finished up our final song, and I sprinted from the stage, straight into the bathroom where I heaved up the contents of my stomach.

"You alright in here?" Tim asked, stepping in and knocking lightly on the cubicle door.

"Y-yeah," I slurred standing up, and flushing to toilet. I walked out of the cubicle wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket. "You got any gum?" I asked, tasting a foul flavor on my tongue.

"No, sorry dude," he replied, walking slowly with me back into the main backstage area.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Neil screamed, storming towards me a crazy look in his eye.

"I'm sober!" I yelled back.

"You made a fool of us! You made it look like it was our first show or something, standing there, legs together, one arm holding the mic and the other one fiddling with the hem of your fucking shirt! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I already answered that one," I snapped back, as the door opened and Gerard strode through.

"Great show, Frank," he said sarcastically, walking towards his husband.

"Shut up, asshole. It was your fault," I retaliated, shocking most of the people around us.

"My fault?! How'd you work this one out?" he asked in shock.

"Because you were standing there with that fucking smirk in your face. You knew it was my first show sober, and you didn't even help!"

"I didn't ask you to stare at me the whole time!"

"You are his kinda can't blame him," Tim cut in, causing a smug smirk to fall across my face.

"Yeah, hubby," I said, in a mocking tone.

"You guys aren't really married, are you?" John asked, carefully.

"What makes you say that?" Gerard snapped his head from me to John.

"Well, you even said that you've only been married a couple of days, but already you're having petty arguments like this. I don't believe it," he said, matter-of-factly, causing the others to nod their heads in agreement.

"Well, what do you want us to do to prove we're married?" Gerard asked, slowly, raising an eyebrow as he chose his words carefully. I glanced at him, knowing what he could have gotten us into.

"I don't know, kiss or something," Shaun suggested.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you guys act lovey dovey towards each other once," Tim added.
I froze. They actually wanted me to kiss Gerard. No way. Not a chance. It's one thing to get drunk and marry him, but to kiss him sober, I think not. I looked to Gerard who looked much the same as I did.

"We won't do that," I piped up.

"Yeah, we don't just do things like that for show," Gerard added.

"No excuse," John laughed.

"Plus, I won't put my husband through the disgust of having to kiss my vomit tasting mouth," I added, an idea suddenly hitting me in the face like lightning.

"I can back that up," Tim said. "He did puke. A lot,"

"Okay, fair enough," Neil shook his head. "I still don't believe you though,"

"Well, that's your problem, c'mon Gerard, we gotta go," I said, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the exit.

"Remember Frankie," Shaun shouted, catching my attention. "Safe sex is happy sex!" He finished off, before falling into a fit of laughs with the others. I just walked out of the building, tutting and rolling my eyes.

As soon as we had made our way around the corner from the venue I'd just played at, me and Gerard pulled apart from on another.

"Thank you so much for vomiting tonight, Frank," Gerard said, a hint of relief in his voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys are lucky I don't like this chapter, or I wouldn't have updated.

(lack of comments *cough*)

Hey, I have a new(ish) story, which I've been shamelessly advertising on my other story and I don't think I've done so on this one. Satisfaction
Check it out?