Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Back to work


Sunlight swept through the window the next morning, violently attacking the thin layer of skin that Frank would refer to as an eyelid. It was the second morning that Frank had woken up in Gerards apartment and already he prayed that he could be home. It was confusing for Frank, realizing that the day before, the light from the rising sun had not woken him up, especially at this un-godly hour.

He sat up, looking for an explanation as to why the curtains were open at 7.40am and as if on queue, Gerard stumbled out of the kitchen, clutching a set of keys in his hand.

"Morning," he smiled happily.

"Why did you open the curtains?" Frank asked, bringing his hand to his head and collapsing back on the couch.

A cruel and humorous glint flew through Gerards eyes as he answered, "I just wanted to let some light into the room,"

Gerard was in fact doing all he could to annoy the younger man. Since last night, he'd realized just how easy it was to wind Frank up, and he was really beginning to get a kick out of it!

"Well, do me a favor, and save the light until you get outside. If I have to sleep on the couch, you can at least be fair and not wake me up right now!" Frank groaned, pulling the cover up over his head.

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine this morning," Gerard chuckled slipping on his shoes, and walking over to his desk to grab his sketches. "Well, I'm going to work, so I'll see you later," He finalized, walking towards the front door. "Bye Frankie-Poo," he cooed in a mocking voice.

"Just fuck off!" Was the only reply he received from the grumpy teen.

Gerard only chuckled before making his way down the hall to the lift, getting in and pressing the appropriate button. As he left the apartment block, anyone would noticed that he had a slight jump in his step. No one would ever guess that it was because he was one to actually look forward to going back to work.

He'd really regretted this break that he'd had, and had decided to try his best not to over-work again to the point where his boss decides to give him an obscene amount of time off. Who knows what would end up happening that time.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, he continued past his car. He didn't normally drive to work, finding it easier to get the bus and underground train to where he needed to be. Sure that cost money, but it was easier than looking for a car-parking space in the impossibly small area where the offices could be located. Should he get his comic idea approved, he would hopefully begin work in New York. He'd like that even more than this job.

As he sat on the bus, he noticed a young couple sitting across from him. They were cuddled together and smiling in each others embrace. From what he could tell from their hands, they were not married, nor engaged due to the lack of ring on their fingers. Gerards stomach tightened slightly, knowing that he was married, but he'd skipped all of the engagement etc. Heck. He hadn't even proposed. Well, who knows? He might have, he was just too wasted to remember.

Gerard had always been a romantic, and had always enjoyed the idea of being with someone who cares for you as much as you care for them, but now he was joined to someone who he did not care about the way a husband should, and Frank certainly did not return the feelings.

Gerard got to his stop, and climbed off of the bus, making his way towards the underground. The thought of love and marriage still weighing very much on his mind. This was never the way he had imagine he would find love. Hell, this wasn't even love, it was a mistake, and Gerard could not wait until February. He personally did not care if he never saw Frank again after that.

He was certain that they would never grow much closer as people, because of the shitty situation they were in, it was very, very possible that no feelings could grow between the two of them. They're going to hate each other more because of this. It's a big step to move in with a boyfriend/girlfriend so for two people who have never even been friends its a gigantic leap.

Small habits bug you from the beginning and you don't care about hurting their feelings when you can't tolerate them. Is this making sense? To Gerard it is, even though there are several voices going on in his head at once.

He got off of the underground train at his stop, and walked into the offices that he worked at. In the elevator he fidgeted slightly, his boss was sure to ask what he had been doing in his time off, and Gerard knew for a fact that he valued family a lot. He'd be furious if he found out that Gerard 'accidentally' got married. Sure, it's not a fireable offense, but it would be enough reason for Mr Roberts to hold some form of grudge against him and single him out a lot. It was human nature that people do this.

He climbed out of the elevator when he got to his floor, smiling slightly when he thought back to Franks very irrational fear as he walked to his desk, smiling and greeting his co-workers as he passed them.

It was as soon as he sat down at his overly-organized desk that Mr Roberts strode towards him. "Way, how do you feel after your break?"

"Never felt better, sir," Gerard replied, smiling. It was a lie though, but you knew that already, right?

"Good, good. What did you get up to then?"

"Oh, I uhh..." He began, looking around the room decided whether he should be honest about it. "Not much,"

"Well, that's a good thing, it shows that you managed to get a lot of rest. Am I right?"

"You're right, sir," Gerard said, obviously humoring his boss.

Mr Roberts just smiled one last time before telling Gerard to begin with his comic idea as he walked away towards his office.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler suck.
Mine suck worse.

Apologies guys, but that was kinda needed there.
Comment anyway *puppy eyes*