Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Relax? In Vegas?!

Gerard groaned as his boss came into the room, adorning a a stern look on his features.
Although Gerard did love his job, he hated criticism and being told that his work wasn't good enough.

"Gerard, I see you've read that letter that I put on your desk?" he asked, in a slow, booming voice.

"Yes sir, I did and--"

"I'm sorry to say, Way..." he paused a moment, and chuckled while Gerard just sat there rolling his eyes, before his boss composed his self. "That your work has been dwindling recently. I'm not saying that it's bad, because you do have a lot of talent, but, it's just that recently it hasn't been up to your normal expectations. Is there any reason for this?"

"I think it's just that I've been focusing a lot more on the comic idea that I'm going to put forward to you.." Gerard started.

"No. It's not" his Boss answered, causing Gerard to raise an eyebrow. "I think it's that you've been stressing out far too much. You come in here every single day and work your butt off from the beginning of the day, to the end, and I think you need a break" he smiled. "So, go home, and do what you will for the weekend, and come back on..." he paused. "How about Wednesday of next week. That way you can be nice and rested"

"With respect, sir...I don't think that it's possible for me to rest when I feel I should be at work" Gerard said, feeling insecure about his position in the workplace. He didn't like the idea of people getting ahead of him in their work. Gerard was a very competitive man.

"Well...It may give you some more time to think about the comic idea your going to present to me, okay?"

"But--" Gerard began to protest.

"This is non-negotiable" the larger man said before standing and leaving the room. Gerard sighed, and stood up, grabbing his bag and leaving his office. He could see that everyone around him were envying him. I mean...How great is that? It was now Friday, and he could have all the way till Wednesday off! For them it seemed like a good idea, but not for Gerard.

Arriving home, he walked into his neat apartment, where everything was extremely organized. It's not that he was a neat-freak or anything, he just liked to know where everything was so he could get to it easily.

He flopped back onto the couch and flicked the TV on. An hour of channel hopping was proving to do nothing to prevail his boredom so he flicked the TV off again, and started at the blank screen for several minutes simply decided what to do.

He looked longingly at his drawing desk, but tore his eyes away from it quickly. He'd decided that he was not going to do any drawing until at least Monday. He was on a break after all. Picking up the phone, he dialed his little brothers number to find out if he was doing anything, and if he wasn't, a phone conversation could keep Gerard occupied.

"Hello?" Mikey's voice floated through the earpiece.

"Hey Mikes - It's me"

"Woah! Why aren't you at work?" Mikey mocked.

"Because apparently I'm stressed, so I've got until Wednesday off"

"Your not serious. I bet you kicked up a hell of a fuss"

"No, I just got my stuff and left, but now I'm bored"

There was a slight pause before Mikeys now enthusiastic voice broke the new found silence. "You totally need a vacation!" Gerard just snorted in response. "I'm serious! You've got till Wednesday off, so we should go away"

"Okay, but where?"

"Where else. Vegas! It'll give you some time to relax" In reality, Mikey had only thought of Vegas because an advert for it had just come onto the TV, and he thought all the lights looked cool. He wouldn't admit this to his brother though.

"Relax? In Vegas?!" Gerard shouted into the mouth piece disbelievingly. "You can't be serious. No way would I ever fit in, in Vegas"

"Dude, have you seen me, nor would I" Gerard had to agree. "And maybe 'relax' wasn't the best word to use, but c'mon it'll be fun" Mikey said, and although Gerard couldn't see his little brother, he knew that he would be pouting.

"Okay! Okay, I'll come" Gerard caved. Although he didn't like the idea of going to Las Vegas, he knew that it couldn't be that bad...right?
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ps. It's my birthday tomorrow *does a little dance*