Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

You know what that means!

Franks POV

An irritating knock on the door was the first thing I heard as I woke up. The second time, obviously. The first time was because of Gerards irritating morning habits. Opening the curtains at half seven in the morning? What the fuck is wrong with that man?! I bet that it was him knocking on the door. He'd forgotten his fucking keys or something. Well, tough shit, I'm not getting out of bed to give them to him.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was in fact three hours since Gerard had left for work, and I was sure that he wouldn't have come back from work after three hours of realizing that he didn't have his keys, right?

Still, I wasn't going to get up. As far as I knew, no-one knew I was staying here anyway, so whoever was knocking on the door was obviously here for Gerard. It just saves me a job not answering the door as opposed to getting up and telling whoever it was to 'fuck off because Gerard isn't home'. Would that go down well? Who the fuck cares!

The knocking returned, and I groaned again, picking up my strategically placed shoe - just because I knew it would piss Gerard off - and launched it at the door.

"Go. Away!" I yelled into my pillow. Well, I'd just made it obvious that someone was home. I may as well have yelled "There's no-one home" or something equally as lame, but I didn't.

"Frank, I know you're in know, open up," a familiar voice yelled.

I know that I knew that voice, but I suck this early in the morning and can never put a name to a face. Okay! So it isn't that early, but I have only just woken up, which adds to my crappy memory.

I heard a sigh on the door, before the knocking started again. "I'm just gonna keep knocking, because after a while it will piss you off enough to make you open the door,"

I decided to be stubborn. I still hadn't worked out who was on the other side of the door, but they obviously knew me well. I ignored the banging fora whole eleven seconds before it started rattling around my skull and irritating my brain. I cursed loudly, and stood up, making my way to the door.

"What th--Neil?" I chocked out when I saw him there. How the hell did he know where I was staying.

"I went to yours and your mum gave me your address," he said, casually stepping in, eying up the blankets on the sofa. "You slept out here last night?"

"Me and Gerard both did," I answered quickly. "We were watching a movie then just kinda fell asleep," Good answer!

Neil seemed convinced before moving to sit on the sofa after moving a couple of my blankets aside.

"So, any reason you're here?" I asked, standing awkwardly by the TV and looking down on my band-mate.

"Uh yeah, listen Frankie sit down, we need to talk," I did as he said, and knew that it had to be something bad.

"Last night, you proved that you can't play a show sober. You don't have enough confidence and unfortunately, being the front-man, you kinda need confidence," I nodded. "To get that confidence, you drink, which...isn't really working either," he said slowly.

The worlds flew in one ear and out of the other. I call it selective hearing.
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Frank, we can't deal with the fact that you can't play a show sober or drunk and we've come to an agreed decision..." he paused, and glanced at me, and I was almost certain I knew what was coming. "...Y-You're out of the band,"

It didn't take long for my emotions to fly into place. "What the fuck?!" I said, standing and pacing the room. "What makes you think that you can kick me out. If it wasn't for me, Pencey wouldn't even exist and now you have the nerve to me out!"

"Frank, we're never going to get anywhere with--"

"Who says," I started, yelling loud enough that I'm sure everyone in the building heard. "Who says that we have to get anywhere?! I started Pencey because I love making music. I love being on a stage, and sure, I'm a bit nervy, but c'mon man, kicking me out is a bit extreme,"

"You may not care about getting anywhere Frank, but we do, and that's why it's best that you're not in the band," Neil growled in reply, standing from his originally seated position.
For a while we just stared at each other, but in the end I knew that their decision was final, and being a child about it would get me no-where.

"Just leave," I hissed out in a low even voice.

Neil didn't even say anything, he just turned on his heel and sidled out of the room. I all of a sudden felt very empty. I usually had gigs to look forward to, but now that I'm not in a band, I have none. I used to enjoy writing songs, but there was no reason to write songs anymore. I may as well sell Pansy.
Obviously at this point I slapped myself in the face. Sell Pansy!? I think not.

I collapsed on the sofa, and that was where I stayed occasionally getting up to look for food, watching Disney Channel - what else? - until Gerard came home from work. Yeah, that was for around six hours, but I'm depressed, so I'd say I'm allowed.

"Who spat in your cornflakes?" Gerard laughed, kicking his shoes off and placing them neatly by the door, before picking up mine and placing them next to his.

"Neil," I grumbled, curling further into the covers as he sat on the sofa next to me, pushing my legs off to make room for himself. I just kicked out at him before putting my feet on his lap. He didn't push them away, so I just stayed like that, eyes still fixed on the TV.

"Neil was here?"

"Yeah," I answered again in grumbles. I couldn't be bothered to explain what had happened, I was still trying to get my head around it myself.

"Whys that put you in such a bad mood?" I just shrugged. Irritated at his constant stream of questions. Why did he even care? "Frank!" he poked me in the side making me squirm. "Why has that put you in a bad mood?"

"Because I got kicked out of the band, okay?" I answered back in a louder voice than I had been using.

Gerards face spread out into a grin, and he looked almost pleased that this had happened. I was about to ask when he opened his mouth to speak. "You know what that means?" I shook my head, and his grin grew, if possible, even bigger. "You're going to have to get a job!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated quickly, because I personally love the next two chapters. So you should all comment me lots so that you can get my, personally, two favorite chapters so far, quicker. (Not at the same time, obviously!)