Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!


Gerards POV

"We need to go shopping," I said after a short while of silence. I knew I'd been a bit heartless to Frank and him being kicked out of his band, but there were more important things to worry about!

"For what?"

"Food," I said, my tone patronizing.

"We have food,"

I cocked an eyebrow before standing and making my way into the kitchen. "Frank," I sighed, rummaging through the cupboards. "All we have is half a loaf of bread and a tube of icing,"


"We need more than that to live,"

"Maybe, I don't want to live,"

"Stop being childish," I said, swatting his head as I walked back into the living room. "We're going shopping, now come on!"

Frank groaned, and stood up, slipping on his dirty pair of vans and standing at the door. "You were wearing those clothes yesterday," I pointed out, nose wrinkling slightly.

"Yeah, and last night,"

"Why?" I asked, almost shocked.

"I don't know how to use the washing machine and all my other shit is more dirty than this,"

I sighed, opening the door to let him, me following soon after. I had no idea that being married would be almost the same as looking after a child. Sorry - teenager.

We walked down the stairs, because Frank was still too much of a pansy to go in the elevator, before we walked towards the car. I unlocked it, and climbed in sighing as Frank did the same, but at a much slower speed. Now he's just trying to piss me off.

"This is so cliche," Frank stated as I pulled the car out of the car-park.


"Newly-Weds going shopping together. Planning out the meals the want for the next week or so. All married couples do it for the first couple of months, and then one gets bored - usually the husband - and leaves the little wife to do it all,"

"I guess it is pretty cliche, but the only reason I'm bringing you, is because you're a vegetarian, and I don't know what shit I'm supposed to buy for you, so be grateful,"

Frank snorted slightly, before looking out of the window at the passing scenery as we drove. We pulled into the car-park of the supermarket, and I climbed out, waiting for Frank so that I could lock it. Why was he always so slow? I stood impatiently, and became aware that he was being slow just to piss me off. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the store after me.

You know, I'd kind of imagined this happening once I'd got married, but you know, when I had a kid! I never expected my husband to be this much of an irritant, but now that I think about it, Frank is still basically a kid.

I grabbed a trolley and wondered around reading the back of certain things before throwing them into the trolley. I heard Frank snort from somewhere behind me, and looked back to see him with an amused look on his face.

"What's with you?"

"You're definitely the wife of this marriage," he said, cracking up. My face twisted into mock shock, as I slapped his arm playfully. Some old woman near-by had obviously heard our 'marriage' comments, and approached us slowly.

"Well, don't you two make a beautiful couple," she smiled, her sickly sweet voice cutting through my eardrums like a knife through butter.

"Oh we're not-" Frank started, but realized that it was pointless, because we were technically married.

"Newly-weds?" she asked, squinting at us through the think lenses of her glasses.

"Uh, something like that," I answered, looking to Frank and blushing. I really did hope that we didn't look like a couple when we were out together. That just makes our situation ten times worse.

"Adorable, adorable. Well have a good day," she said, as she shuffled away, picking up a box of bran flakes and looking over the back, obviously trying to decide if she liked the sound of it or not.

I looked at Frank who looked back at me before we just burst out laughing. Frank jumped into the trolley, carelessly pushing things aside with his legs, to make room for himself.
I raised my eyebrows at him, and he claimed that his legs hurt. Lazy ass.

We continued round the shop, some people giving us strange looks as they saw Frank sitting in the trolley like a child. Well, we've been over this several times before. Frank is a child.

We browsed through the aisles as Frank occasionally pointed out something that he liked, or actually wouldn't eat. Seriously, how the hell do they make "Meat free sausages"?! It's obviously not a sausage, is it? Jeez!

I pushed the trolley, which happened to be increasing drastically in weight, towards the checkout as Frank picked up some book from a shelf as we passed it. He didn't even know what it was, he just stuck his arm out of the side of the trolley. Much like a child would. See. My point proven once again!

"What the hell is that?"

"Iunno," he shrugged, turning it over and looking at the front. "First name meanings and Second name understandings," he read from the cover.

"Why'd you pick that up?"

"I don't know. I have a short attention-span, and I got bored so I just grabbed for anything,"

I laughed as I thought over many different scenarios and the disaster that could have been caused had Frank missed the book and grabbed something else, but we won't go into that.

He flicked through the pages, his eyes scanning over all the small printed words as I began loading things on to the conveyor belt. "Frank, put that back," I sighed as the woman at the counter scanned everything.

"No!" he whined, putting it on the conveyor belt. "Can I have it? I'll give you the money back, I swear," He said, giving me the puppy eyes. Normally that didn't work on, but maybe it was just because Mikey sucked at it when he was a kid...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys, I have rather a few pieces of news, so PLEASE DON'T SKIP THIS!
Firstly, I have a one-shot that I wrote up in like, 2 minutes, but I rather like anyway. S'on my page if you wanna check it out, because you all love me so *flutters eyelashes*
Secondly, I've recently gone back to school (well, sixth form) and I've realized that it's going to be waaay too difficult to update as frequently, but I will try as much as I can. Don't give up on this?
Thirdly, To anyone who reads 'If I knew who you were' I just thought I'd let you know that I'm suffering from a bit of writers block, but hopefully it will pass soon!
Lastly, To anyone who reads Satisfaction...that story is so close to being deleted. I do not work my but off for just three comments. I know I sound all selfish and demanding, but I get so un-confident when I don't have comments =/

On that note...comment this? *puppy eyes*