Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Whats in a name?

The car was silent for a while as I drove us home, and all that could be heard was the engine and the papery sound of pages flicking of the book that Frank seemed so adamant that we buy. He was a weird kid at times, but it meant that I never got bored.

"Hey Gerard, guess what?" he suddenly asked, in a voice that you could imagine a child using when they want to tell you what they learned at school that day.

"What?" I asked in a voice that you would use if you were humoring said child.

Frank brushed this off quickly by opening his mouth to speak once again. "Your first name is French and it means 'brave'" He smiled proudly. As if it was hard to find that out in a book where that was it's soul purpose?!

"Oh really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow almost cockily. I'm brave.

"Yep. Oh! Your last name is in here too,"

"Really? What does that mean?"

"Originally given to a person who lived near a road...That's boring," Frank giggled flicking through the pages. "What's your middle name?"

"Arthur," I answered. May as well humor the kid. All of a sudden, he burst out laughing, leaning back in his seat and kicking his legs around as he did so. "It's not that much of a stupid name!" I defended.

"No, I'm not laughing at that. It says that its Celtic, and next to the meaning it says 'Noble strength...A bear!'" and with that he cracked up again. I personally didn't find it that funny. I'm brave, and I have noble strength. This was no laughing matter.

"Well fine, do your name,"


Silence filled the car as Frank flicked through the pages again. "Frank is Latin, and it means free. HA! In your face fucker. I'm free, so I don't have to get a job,"

"Middle name too,"

"Anthony is Greek," he started before glancing at me with a smug smile on his face. "And it means 'Worthy of Praise,"

"You're making this shit up,"

"I swear, that's actually what it says!" he said quickly, directing the book into my face, obviously not caring if I crashed the car as long as he got his point across.

He pulled it away and flicked through the pages again, before letting out a dejected whimper. "This book is shit,"

"What? You were like in love with it a minute ago,"

"Yeah, but then I found out it doesn't even have my surname in it,"

"Don't you mean your maiden name?" I asked, laughing as he hit me in the shoulder. We arrived back home and we both took a few of the bags each before trudging up all the stairs.

"You really need to get over your fear of the elevator," I whined as we finally reached the front door.

"Shut up. I'm free and worthy of praise,"

"Yeah, and I'm sure if your last name was in that book it would say annoying,"

"Screw you,"

"You'd love to," I laughed as I walked into the kitchen. As I put the bags on the counter I felt something hit me in the back of the head. Upon turning around I noticed Frank with an open bag of bread rolls and a rejected roll on the floor.

"What a waste of food Frank!" I groaned, picking it up off of the floor and dusting it off.

"Doesn't matter. Come and look at more names with me," he pleaded, running into the living room and jumping onto his make-shift bed.

"Okay, only if you look for Mikeys first," I answered, following him, suddenly realizing how lame I really was.

"Mikey, Mikey..." he repeated over and over as he flicked through the small book. "S'not here,"

"Look for Micheal then idiot,"

"Woah sorry. Keep your pants on!" He chuckled. "It's Hebrew, and it means 'Who is like God'" he said as he finally came to the correct page.

"His middle name is James,"

"Another Hebrew name and it means supplanter...whatever that is,"

"His is rubbish, look for someone else,"

"Zachary, Hebrew and means 'Remembrance of the Lord'. Middle name is the same as Mikey, and his last name means...'To bake'. That was predictable,"

I laughed slightly, and we continued on for a while reeling off several names and most of the time laughing together at the outcome. We made up names from strange meanings, and laughed so hard as we did. Who'd have thought that possibly the most pointless book ever made could provide hours and hours of entertainment like this.

"Hey Gerard look," Frank yawned, resting his head on my shoulder as he pointed at the back cover. "They've got more of these. I think we should get the birthday one. That'd be cool," he sighed, as his eyes fluttered closed and his breathing evened out as his head lolled down to my chest. I smiled at his idea, and the fact that such silly little things could keep us amused for..well nearly three hours.

I slid away from Frank, before pulling the cover up over him. I realized that he was wearing the clothes that he'd been wearing for the last two days, so I grabbed some of the stuff from his suitcase and threw them in the washing machine.

Before I went off to bed I found myself sitting on the floor next to the sofa, watching his small sleeping form for a while. He was pretty adorable if I must say so, but before you say anything, that means nothing. It's not a big deal.

Smiling to myself, I made my way to my room, turning out the living room light as I went, before closing my door, and feeling the comfort in the privacy that I rarely got now.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter.
It's kind of a filler, kind of not.
Plus, you gotta admit, it's mushy cute xD Well. I thought it was.
Alsooooo, I've started writing a new story. It's called Witness. Click the name to go and check it out. It'd mean a lot.
I'm either going to be deleting "Satisfaction" or putting it on hiatus, because I fail and can't really concentrate of four stories at a time, and that one isn't doing well anyway.

Lastly...WUSHEL! You'd better be doing your homework! *shakes fist at*

EDIT: These are real name meanings. I looked on a few sites, and kinda...took an average, like some differed from others, but this is mostly what it came down to.
One day I'll try harder and look for Franks second name and maybe include it somewhere.
Comment? peace out!