Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

"Gone to Vegas. Be back Monday"

Frank made his way through to the living room where he collapsed on the couch. This was a daily routine. Wake up, get out of bed, take aspirin, go into the living room, and lie back down.

Most people wonder what the point of getting up in the first place was, honestly, Frank didn't know either, but he was happy with this routine.

"You get the beeeest of both worlds" he sang softly to himself along with the TV as he heard his front door open and then close, and as he leant his head off the sofa to see the intruder he wasn't surprised to see his best friend Zack.

Zacky had made a habit, now, of not bothering to knock on the Iero's front door, but just letting himself in. That did give Mrs Iero a shock when he decided he wanted to visit at 3am.
"Frankie boy, you look like shit" Zack stated sitting on the other sofa, and raising an eyebrow at the fact that Frank was in fact watching 'Hannah Montana'. Frank just scoffed, and casually changed the channel. Not because he didn't want Zack to know that he was watching 'Hannah Montana', but because he'd already seen that episode.

"Any reason you're here?" Frank asked, kind of miffed that his Friday spent with the likes of Hannah Montana and Lizzie McGuire had now been interrupted.

"Yeah actually, there is" Zack said, breaking out into a grin. "I hear, that your getting a hard time from your band members for drinking, so I thought we'd go somewhere, where it'll be guilt free"

"Oh yeah?" Frank raised an eyebrow. "Like a holiday?"

"Yeah. How do you feel about spending the weekend in Vegas, baby?" Zacky said, flashing his tickets to Frank and putting on some cheesy and strange accent.

"Dude, when the hell did you get them?"

"My mum was gonna go with her boyfriend, but they broke up so boom! She gave them to me"

"You're telling me, that your mum willingly handed you tickets to Vegas?"

"Well...there is more to the story, but your getting a free trip to Vegas, so don't complain!"

Frank laughed. "When do we leave?"


"Tonight?! you could have given me a bit more notice than that!" Frank squealed, running upstairs to pack for the weekend. Zacky just chuckled slightly before leaning forward and changing the channel on the TV to something that wasn't Disney.

Frank called up the rest of his band and told them he was going away with his family to go to some funeral. Yeah, it was a lie but they'd get pissed at him if it was just because he was going to Vegas with his best friend, his position in the band was already incredibly unstable as it was.

He didn't really know how much he'd need to take, so he just threw in countless t-shirts. He didn't bother with a pair of jeans, he didn't really own that many other pairs anyway. He grabbed some money from the bread bin, it was a ridiculous hiding place and Franks mum was 99.9% sure that Frank didn't know it was there. He, like always, did - and didn't feel at all guilty when he took a handful of it.

He didn't bother calling his mum to let her know where he would be, because he knew that she would undoubtedly try and make him change his mind, and in all honesty, he just couldn't be bothered with that. Instead, he grabbed the note his mum had left out for this morning and quickly scrawled "Gone to Vegas, be back Monday"

Once everything was sorted he wondered back into the front room to see Zack watching TV.
"C'mon dude. Let's go" Frank demanded.

"The plane doesn't leave till like - 10pm. That gives us" he looked at his watch. "10 hours to kill" he laughed at Franks eagerness.

"Yeah, well I've just written a note to my mum, and I don't know when she'll be back, so can we kill time somewhere else?" Frank said, becoming agitated.

"Yeah, why not. Let's go" Zack laughed, standing and leaving the house while Frank turned the TV off and followed after him to, locking the door as he left the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
GAIZ! It's my birthday today *does a little dance*
But only for *looks at time* 43 more minutes D:


EDIT: Next chapter will get into a different POV (: