Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Fluffing Perfect

Franks POV

I slid into the window seat, feeling utterly humiliated that we'd managed to hold an entire plane of people up.

"Hey, why do you get the window seat?" Zacky asked impatiently.

"Because, Zacky dearest, it's your fault we're late" I sighed, memories of the past hour or so flooding back into my mind.

"It's not my fault you want to kill time" he said, matter of factly, scratching the back of his neck while I looked at him in disbelief.

"Zack, getting arrested is not how I would class 'killing time'" I said in awe that he wasn't even phased by the situation. I heard a chuckle from behind me somewhere, and turned around to see the most beautiful person I think it was ever possible the see.

Damn this plane journey for only being an hour long!

He turned to look at me again, and I realized that I was staring, and probably drooling so I turned back around and faced the back of the seat in front of me. After a while of thinking to myself about the guy behind us, Zacky clicked his fingers in my face, to catch my attention, but it made me jump more than anything.

"Dude, what?" I snapped.

"I was just checking if you were alive, because you didn't respond to what I just said"
I just nodded, still not really paying attention to him. He just sighed before putting his iPod in, and closing his eyes, leaning his head back into the seat as we took off. I knew that he didn't like flying, so he was just trying to distract himself from it.

Once we were finally up in the air and could take ourseat belts off, I decided to look out of the window to see how high we really were. It was then that I decided that I loved flying in the night time. It's not like you can see anything really in detail, but you can see all the lights and they all join into one big pattern. It really is beautiful, but I'd never voice that to anyone - it'd sound so lame and girl like.

Zack had somehow managed to fall asleep in the short space of 5 minutes, and so I was alone and bored. I shuffled around before going into Zacks bag and pulling his DS out. He shouldn't mind seeing as it was his fault that we were late and his fault that I'm now bored. I turned it on, and played whatever game was in there. I was never very good on these things - but I was going to give it a go anyway.


"For fuck sake" I groaned, turning it off after dying for the third time in all of - I looked at my watch - 10 minutes. That wasted no time whatsoever.

"Please refrain from that kind of language, sir" one of the hostesses said sternly as she was walking past.

"Why? It's just a word. I don't actually find it insulting. It's just a four letter word"

"Well, even though your opinion is respected, it is not ideal for you to be swearing around people who may be offended"

"It's not like I was directing it at anyone other than this fuck---fluffing DS" I said, not really wanting to get in trouble for a second time. The corners of her mouth turned up quickly in a small smile, before she regained her composure, and scoffed before walking away.

"If your struggling with that...fluffing game...I can give you a hand" someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw a boy who looked not too much older than me with mousy brown hair and glasses peering over the top of the seats, and trying to contain some laughter.

"Eh; it's not mine so I don't really mind, but knock yourself out anyway" I said, handing him the DS, which he took without hesitating.

"Dude. Don't tell him to 'knock himself out'" Mr hottie said, using his fingers as quote marks. "Because he probably will do. One time I caught him sticking a fork in a toaster because some chick rejecting him told him to"

"Are you kidding?!" My eyes went wide as I looked over to the boy who was oblivious that we were talking about him.

"Nope. The toaster fucking exploded, but he was totally unharmed. It was weird" he chuckled. I smiled back.

"Frank" I said, sticking my hand through the gap in the seats to shake his.

"Gerard" he said in reply.

Gerard... I thought Perfect name for a perfect face
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments dwindling abit :( Am I getting worse?
