Status: Hiatus: Undergoing re-write.

What Happened in Vegas?!

Unintentional Lies

This is todays second update, so don't forget to read the chapter before if you haven't already

The evening finally came, and I was sitting in the living room waiting for Zacky to finish getting ready. I hadn't told him about my conversation with Mikey because I knew that he'd just sigh and roll his eyes and tell me to move on. I know he was probably right, because I was never normally like this with guys, but I didn't really care right now, I just wanted to meet Gerard again.

Zacky finally finished his extreme make-over and we left the hotel room, leaving one of our keys at the reception desk in case we lost one on our drunken adventures tonight. We made our way out into the street where there were many people around, much like the night before when we'd first arrived. We were allowed into any bars in the hotels and any of the casinos as well, so that would most likely keep us entertained for most of the night.

"I say," Zacky began, a mischievous look in his eye. "We start right up that end of the Strip, and make our way all the way back down to the other." I chuckled in response, and followed his plan walking past 'Treasure Island' to the first hotel on our list...Which I couldn't name, because there's so many down here.

"Holy shit!" Zacky shrieked, clinging to my arm, a look of fear in his eye.

"What?" I said, panicked.

"L-Look," He pointed a shaky finger towards the hotel we were next to.

"What?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Look at the sign!"

I looked up at it, to see a clown on it, and underneath it said "Circus circus". It was then that I noticed the problem.

"Zacky, it's just a clown. Not even that, it's a picture of a clown. What's so scary about that?"

"Have you not seen it? That's scary shit right there," He let out another shaky breath before quickly pulling me away. And when I say quick, I mean quick to the point that he lead me straight into an on-coming person.

"Ow, shit I'm sorry," they groaned, holding their head, where we'd managed to collide.

"No, it was my idiot of a friends fault," I chuckled, mirroring their actions. He pulled his hand away, and I almost died.

"Woah. Small world." he chuckled slightly. I personally hated that saying, so I didn't react, which caused an awkward silence.

"So, what are you now doing?" I asked, breaking the some-what silence.

"Going back to the hotel room," he smiled.

My eyes went wide, and my jaw must've hit the floor. "Why?!"

"Because I'm not into the nightlife."

"Well you are now. Come out with me and Zacky. Your brother can come too. Pleeeease?" I whined, giving him my best puppy pout which was 95.7% effective at getting me what I wanted. I could see that he didn't want to come out at all, but the look on his face was proving hat he was finding it hard to say no to the puppy eyes that I was producing. "Please. I promise that you won't regret it!" I said, convincingly.

Little did I know that, that was the worst lie I'd ever tell, and I didn't even know it yet.


Currently, we were in a bar...somewhere on the Las Vegas strip - but I'm too drunk to actually know where. Mikey and Zacky were currently together, about as drunk as me and Gerard currently were.

"So. What do you do for a living?" Gerard slurred slightly, a drunken grin spread across his face.

"A living? Wait - you mean a job right? Ew. Nothing," I laughed, even if what I'd said wasn't funny. "I'm in a band though, but they're going to kick me out because I..." I paused and took another gulp of my drink, before looking at it and holding it up. "Drink." I finished my sentence with another slurring giggle.

"I work in comic books. I'm an artist." he replied, proudly, with a hint of arrogance.

"Why do you work?" I asked, curious as to why people want to waste their lives doing the same thing every day.

"Are you kidding? I love it, that's why" I wrinkled my nose up at his answer before stumbling off to buy us both another drink each.

"I-I see you having fun with Gerald." Zacky said, as he stumbled over to me, also ordering a drink.

"Yeah, he's great...except he likes having a job. Freak." I commented, too drunk to notice Zackys obvious mistake.

I got the drinks and took them back to the table where Gerard and Mikey were now sitting together, before another drunken conversation went on. I don't think any of us knew what the person speaking before us were saying, so we probably answered with something completely different to the current subject. I'm sure it was an interesting thing for on-listeners to hear.

"I'm bored. Lets go somewhere else." I spoke up, before standing and taking Gerards hand. Electricity raced through my finger tips, so I turned around, and acted on drunken impulse, pushing my lips onto his. More electricity ran through my veins, especially when he responded to my kiss.

Picking up my drink, and finishing it off, I let the rest of the night go around me in a blur, half the time not knowing where I was or what I was doing. I was vaguely aware of some strange man standing in front of me and saying something, and I think he'd asked me to repeat I did, as best I could anyway.
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I only got a couple of comments for the last chapter, so why am I updating again you may ask? Well, I didn't want to leave all of you lovely readers and subscribers with a bad chapter. Simple as that. It also will not be happening often, I just don't like fillers.

Thanks to Le wonderful Jenni for the clown idea :P