I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 1


I beeped the horn of my car to let Manda know I was outside her house and she was taking too long getting ready. She ran outside and got in the passenger side, turning the radio to Kiss 108, even though I was listening to something else.

Oooo, this is an S.O.S.
Don't wanna second guess
This is the bottom line, its true
I gave my all for you
Now my heart's in two
And I can't find the other half
It's like I'm walking on broken glass
Better believe I bled
It's a call I'll never get

We sang along to our favorite band as I drove to Isabella's house, the little girl I had agreed to babysit today.

"Kisten!" Isabella shouted as I parked my car.

"Izzy!" I replied, as I pulled the little girl into a hug. "What do you want to do today Izzy?"

"Play-place, play-place, play-place!"

Manda and I laughed at her excitement.

"Okay, play-place it is then!"

I strapped her into the car seat in my car and we zoomed off to McDonald's.

"Okay Izzy, what do you want to eat?" I questioned the little girl, once we had reached the counter.

"Chicken nuggets! And french fwies!"

"How about some apple dippers instead of the fries?"

"Yucky! Uh-uh!"

"You can have yummy caramel, and I'll let you play a whole fifteen minutes longer."


I ordered us all our food while Manda took Isabella into the play-place. The cashier handed me the tray of food and I walked into the play area, children laughing and running all over. Isabella started to chow down, eager to start playing.

"Hey, hey there little girly, slow down. We don't want you choking." Manda said to Isabella.

"Kisten, can I go play now? Please please please!" she asked, fidgeting in her seat.

"Of course you can Izzy."

She ran to the ball pit, leaving me and Manda at the table.

"I do not know how you put up with her all the time. She never gets on your nerves? Ever?" asked Manda.

"Nope. I love her like she's my little sister. So, anyways, you said you had 'super gigantic horrible news.'"

"Oh yeah, thats right, I forgot. So I guess Mike and Shawn have to have stupid little crushes on me."

"Oh my God, no way! I was right about Shawn."

"Yeah I knew. Its so gross. Why couldn't it at least be someone cute?"

"Ha-ha, I don't know. It's just ridiculous."


"Mmm?" I said, taking a sip of my soda. "What?"

All Manda could do was point at who Isabella was playing with. I looked over and ,y mouth dropped.

"No way. It can't really be him, you think?"

"I think its actually him. My God, Izzy's playing with Frankie-freaking-Jonas!"

Isabella and Frankie were in the ball pit swimming around, like it was a real pool. And then out of nowhere, he popped out from under the plastic multicolored balls, making the children scream and laugh.

"Oh. My. God." Manda said in unison.
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ahh. i don't like reposting.
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