I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 18

When we got back from Maine, sadly, the boys had to get back right on the bus and leave for tour again. They were still only a few states away though, when I got a text message from Joe.

hey. wanna meet me at a starbucks in 30?

I agreed, then quickly changed and drove to the coffee shop. I wondered what he wanted that caused to meet in person. I reached Starbucks before he did, so I went and sat down at a table facing the door.

For some reason, I was anxious. I felt like my intuition was trying to tell me something but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Why did I feel like something bad was gonna happen?

The door opened, letting in a rush of warm air. Joe stood in the doorway, looking for me. His eyes found mine and made his way over to me.

His eyes had been different ever since he got back from his "walk" in Maine. The usual sparkle was gone. It was like a light had gone out. It was dark, blank. They were just dull. Not very like Joe. It worried me to still see them that way.

He sat down opposite me, avoiding my gaze. My eyes narrowed. Something was up, and I don't like being out of the loop.

"Hey." He said quietly, still not looking at me.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked, my eyes still narrowed.

"I had to talk to you."

"I'm always a phone call away." I hinted around, he hadn't been calling me back.

"This has to be done in person."

"What has to be done in person? Joe?"

He didn't answer me for a few minutes. It looked like he was struggling to say something. This must have been what my senses were warning me about. Then his eyes finally met mine.

"I don't think this is gonna work." Now his eyes couldn't leave mine, even if he tried.

"What won't work? Joe you're scaring me." I said, my voice shaking slightly. Why was he telling me this?

"Us. We don't work. We won't work."

I heard him, but it didn't feel like it penetrated my mind. But two seconds later, it did. It felt as if my heart had been ripped from my body. I was completely blindsided. I just sat there, speechless. I knew I had to say something, but my brain couldn't figure out how to make sentences, form words. He was waiting for my reply, the explosion. The waterworks. But nothing happened. I just sat there in shock, staring at him, my mouth open.

"I gotta go. The bus is waiting." He waited for a response, a nod, anything. But nothing.

"Goodbye Kristen."
♠ ♠ ♠
more soon probably.
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