I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 20

-Joe's POV-

"I gotta go. The bus is waiting." I waited for a response from her, but it was like she was frozen. She just sat there, staring at me. I had to get out of here. Even though she broke my heart, I still couldn't stand to see her like this.

"Goodbye Kristen." I stood up and walked out the door. I turned the corner where the bus was parked, but I sat on the pavement leaning against the wall. I was free to sit here as long as I wanted. Everyone on the bus went out somewhere.

I sat there for about a half hour, just thinking and wondering how badly I had screwed up this time. Kevin was right. Ah! Why is Kevin always right?

I heard the tinkle of the Starbucks door and someone, a girl, sniffling. Oh no. Please please no.

Please don't be Kristen. I don't think I'll be able to see her crying.

I peeked around the corner.


It was Kristen. Manda was helping her walk to a car. It wasn't a Mustang, must be Manda's car.

I looked at Kristen's face. Her makeup was running and her eyes were wet with tears, rimmed with red, and they matched her blotchy cheeks.

I wanted to run over to her and comfort her. I wanted to tell her everything was okay. I wanted to wipe away her tears and hold her in my arms forever.

I hated myself for doing this to her. I'm so stupid. Why did I even do that to her instead of talking to her!? Now she probably hates me. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I watched the car drive away and I slammed my fist against the wall. Ouch. That hurt. I glanced down at my knuckles. Great. Just great. I really needed blood all over myself right now.

I went up on the bus and put my hand under cold water.

I heard the bus door open and saw my mother appear.

"Joseph! What did you do!" She exclaimed, running over to examine my hand.

"Nothing. It was an accident."

"Oh, Joe, what am I going to do with you? Your constantly getting injured." She grabbed the first aid kit and got out some gauze to wrap my hand.

"I'm not that bad, Mom." She finished bandaging my hand in a few seconds. She's had a lot of practice dealing with injuries, being a mother of four boys. "Thanks Mommy. I think I'm gonna go lay down."

"Alright honey."

I went to my bunk and just lied there with my curtain closed. I heard a tap on my curtain and it was pulled back by Kevin.

"Go away Kevin." I said, staring at the ceiling.

"How'd it go?"

I showed him my bandaged hand.

"Ouch. What did you do?"

"Punched a wall after I saw her leave crying."

Kevin made a face that clearly read "I told you", but before he could say anything more, I pulled my curtain closed again.

I turned over. I know I should get some sleep before the show tonight, but every time I closed my eyes I saw Kristen's face splotchy and red. A tear fell onto my pillow.

What had I done?

And how was I going to fix it?
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, i'm slightly stuck after this point. i'm not sure what i should have joe do to fix it.
so, if you've got any ideas, let me know!
i love comments!