I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 24

-Joe's POV-

From: Manda_CIWWAF
To: xxDangerxx
Subject: Just read it

Joe, you need to read this.

Pushing Me Away

Run, run like you do
I'm chasing you, I'm on your tail
I'm gaining fast
Your going nowhere
Try to fix what you've done
Turn back the time
The night is calling and we're falling faster now

Pushing me away
Every last word, every single thing you say
Pushing me away
You try to stop it now, but its already too late
Pushing me away
If you really don't care, then say it to my face
Pushing me away
Push, push
Pushing me away

Stop, tell me the truth
Cause I'm so confused
Spinning round, these walls are falling down
And I need you, more than you know
I'm not letting go, I'm getting close
So take my hand, and please
Just tell me why
Push, push

Pushing me away

-P.S. You can do whatever you want with it. You just had to read it.

I stared at the email, rereading it again and again. Why did Manda send me this? And why didn't she tell me what its about? Or who wrote it?

"Pushing me away. Every last word, every single thing you say. Pushing me away." I muttered, a melody forming in my head. I could use this as lyrics, they were really good. Good enough to be a hit song.

But something irked me about it. Why would Manda just email me out of the blue when I hadn't talked to her since I broke up with Kristen? I still have no idea what I'm going to do about our, uh, situation. I talked to Nick, though, and I am officially the biggest idiot to have ever lived. As it turns out, she was only helping him practice "flirting" to get him better at it. This of course, only made me feel worse. She was helping him. And I broke her heart because of it. She probably hates me now. She's never going to give me a second chance, never going to trust me again. And, even if by some miracle she wants me back, she's too stubborn to admit it.

"Joe?" Nick said, waving his hand in front of my face. I started, looking over at him. "Huh? What?"

"You were zoning again." He stated, sipping his Diet Coke.

"Oh. Hey, Nick take a look at this. I think it could make a good song." I said, pushing the laptop towards him.

"Pushing Me Away?" He asked, reading it. He nodded, getting into his songwriting mode.

"Yeah this is good. Who wrote it?" He asked absentmindedly.

"Dunno. Manda said we could use it though."

"Yeah I saw that. Hey Kevin!" He called to Kevin, who was in his bunk.

"What Nick?" Kevin answered, a bit irritated. I think he was trying to nap.

"Take a look at this. We want to use it as a song idea."

Kevin read it thoroughly a few times, nodding just like Nick did.

"This is good. Yeah, definitely. Send it to the label and set up studio time. If we come up with the instrumentals soon we could probably have it done in, what do you think, a week? Maybe less?" Kevin said. Nick agreed, and emailed Hollywood Records.

I gazed out the bus window, staring at the passing trees and land as we drove down the highway. I let my mind drift back to Kristen. She was all I thought about these days. Her smile, her beautiful blue eyes, the way they sparkled when she laughed. My breath hitched when I came to a sudden realization.

I was in love with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, sorry for the wait on the update.
don't know when the next one will be out, seeing as i'm going to my Jonas Brothers concert tomorrow.
so yeah.
i love comments!