I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 30

-Joe's POV-

"Manda?" I asked into the phone.

"Yeah?" I heard Manda say on the other side.

"How is Kristen? Is she okay? Please tell me she's alright." I said frantically. I was so worried about her, I could barely hold the phone steady I was shaking so bad.

"Yeah she's okay." She said, relief flooding her voice. I relaxed. She was going to be okay. I didn't lose her. "Thanks for doing that." She said again.

"Of course. I'm really glad you called me and that I could help. I'm not really sure what I would have done if she... Listen Manda, I'm going to have the tour put on hold and fly out to see her." My voice broke at the end of my unfinished sentence from the reality of what could happen if she really did...die.

"What? No, you can't do that to you fans!" Manda said.

"Manda, I have to see her. I'm just afraid of what she's going to do when she sees me." I said, walking out to the front lounge where Nick and Kevin were.

"Okay, okay. I honestly don't know how she's gonna react."

"Yeah, okay."

"Yeah, listen Joe, I've gotta go."

"Okay, bye Manda."

"Yup. See you later."

"Yeah. See you soon." I said, hanging up the phone.

By now, both Kevin and Nick were staring at me, questioning looks on both their faces. I had to tell them eventually. Might as well do it now. I mean, their tour was going to be put on hold too.

"What's up Joe? You don't look so good." Kevin said.

"Yeah. I've been better. I have to tell you guys some stuff." I said, fidgeting with a string on the hem of my shirt.

"You can tell us anything, you know that." Nick said.

"Okay. Yeah, um. I just had the most nerve-racking phone conversation of my life. Manda called me in tears because Kristen was drunk and she's really depressed right now. She had locked herself in the bathroom where her family keeps all of their prescriptions. She was going to try to..." I trailed off, unable to say it.

"Kill herself." Nick and Kevin said simultaneously.

"Yeah. Anyways, she's alright now and I wanted to put the tour on hold right now, just for a little while. So I could fly out to see her. You guys could come too, if its okay with you." I said anxiously. I didn't know how they were going to react to putting the tour on hold.

"Yes, its alright Joe. Of course, we don't mind!" Kevin said, concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, Joe you have to go see her." Nick added.

"Thanks guys, thats a relief." I said.

"Are you going to tell her?" Nick asked.

"Huh? Tell her what? That the tours been put on hold?" I said, confused.

"No, stupid! That you're fucking in love with her!" Nick answered, as if it was the easiest question in the world.

"Uh, I don't know. I'm not sure how I should tell her. I wanted it to be more romantic." I replied.

"Well, you have to figure it out soon so you two can get back together because we're sick of this depressed-Joe! Kay?" Nick said, earning a laugh from Kevin.

"Okay, okay. Jeez. I'll do it soon. You're so impatient sometimes you know."
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hey guys!
i finally have an update for you. i feel like such a bad author. =[
but anyways, new chapter! even though its kinda fillerish.
but the writer's block is gone for now and i have inspiration again! yay!
and remember!
i love comments!