I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 33

-Joe's POV-

Wow. Okay. So I'm pretty much to blame for Kristen nearly killing herself. That makes me feel just great. Note the heavy sarcasm. Its a bit hard to process all this information right now. Stupid jet-lag.

Right now I'm sitting at Kristen's desk in her room, just watching her sleep. Now, I know what your thinking. "What a creep!" Right? Well, just let me explain. One, she's just tried to kill herself; two, its the first time I've seen her in weeks; and three, she's the girl I'm in love with. So, I can't just sit in her basement and watch t.v. Not when she's so close. Not when I want me to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up. I want to apologize. I want her to know I was an insensitive jerk with long distance relationship fears who couldn't understand his growing feelings for her.

I stared at her face, taking in all of her features. Her porcelain skin with small freckles over the bridge of her nose and across her cheekbones. Her soft black eyelashes that brushed across her cheeks. Her black side-bangs that were swept off of her forehead. She was truly beautiful.

She looked so peaceful sleeping. Nothing to worry over, nothing to be depressed about. The alcohol must have made it so that she was able to have a dreamless sleep. Nightmare free.

She started stirring, waking up. I instantly got nervous. How was she going to react to me? What would she say? What is going to happen?

She woke up with her back facing me. I heard her yawn and saw her stretch. Then she rolled over and stared at her ceiling and sighed. I don't think she noticed me yet . . .

"I miss you, Joe." I heard her mumble under her breath, barely audible for me to hear. My heart ached when she said those words. She still hasn't noticed me. Leave it to Kristen to overlook someone right in front of her. I unconsciously shook my head at her, a small smirk on my lips. Shit! I think she noticed the movement.

She sat up slowly, her eyes meeting mine. We sat in silence for a few seconds. It was hard to read her reaction. It looked like a mixture of shock, alarm, and . . . pain?

The she spoke. Her voice was dry and sounded like it hadn't been used in a hundred years.

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ohmygosh guys i'm so sorry i haven't updated in forever! i've been so busy and my grandmother is in the hospital right now with acute leukemia and its all crazy and confusing right now.
but anyways, i knew i had to get an update for you guys so i got to writing last night.
so yeah. remember guys!
i LOVE comments =]