I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 36

*Two Months Later*

It was Friday, October 3. Officially one week from my final Homecoming dance of my high school life. And I had no dress, no ticket, and maybe no date. And before you get all flustered wondering if me and Joe are still together, hold on. I was just getting to that.

Yes, we are still together. Very happy, too. We've had no fights or arguments or anything that can cause drama and breakups. Since he was still on tour, we had to figure out the whole "long-distance" thing. And its actually not that bad. He calls every night after the show and we talk until one of us is asleep. And whenever he's got a free day or is somewhat near by, he flies out to see me. On one of these such days, we got to talking and decided to come public with our relationship. Its better than hiding it and having rumors all over the internet. And of course there were some people who weren't for it, but the majority of his fans were happy for us. Which I was very relieved of. I was so nervous that I would be out somewhere and some fan would recognize me and like maul me or something.

But anyways, back to the problem at hand: Homecoming. Homecoming is my favorite dance of the whole school year, and I didn't know if I was even going. I mean, Joe is still on tour right now and I don't know if he has a concert next Friday. And it wouldn't feel right if I went without him. I wanted him to meet all my friends. I wanted to be able to have fun with him for one whole night, all to myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I reached for it and saw I had a new text message from Joe. Speak of the devil. Or would it be think of the devil? I don't know.

hey babe, i miss you.

I smiled. I liked having someone care about me the way he did.

i miss you too love <3

hey when was that dance you wanted to go to?

next friday. why?

ah,no. i think i have a show then. i'm sorry baby

I frowned. This sucks. My boyfriend can't take me to Homecoming. What a way to start off senior year.
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hellooo readers =]
just a little update for you.
does joe really have a show that night? what do you think?
i love comments!