I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 38

Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.

My hand found its way to my alarm clock and turned it off. I groaned and stared at my ceiling. Monday. I hate Mondays. And this week is Spirit Week for Homecoming. Joy. I rolled out of bed and stumbled to my closet. I picked out a t-shirt, some sweatpants, and a sweatshirt.

"Today is a comfort day. Kristen doesn't give a fuck today. Want to know why wall? First, its Monday. Mondays always suck. And second, Kristen's boyfriend can't go to her last Homecoming dance ever. So today Kristen doesn't care if she looks like shit. Kristen is going to be comfortable." I said to myself, getting dressed. I walked over to my mirror and threw up my hair into a messy bun. I quickly brushed my teeth in the bathroom, then headed downstairs.

"Hey honey." My mom said to me from the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I said back, in a less than pleasant tone.

"What's wrong, Kristen?" She asked concernedly, walking over to me.

"I hate Mondays. You know that." I replied, not wanting to tell her about Joe.

"Yes, I do know that. But what is really bothering you?"

I decided to just tell her. It will stop her trying to dig further.

"Joe can't go to Homecoming." I said, trying to sound like I could care less, while I reached for a Vitamin Water from the fridge.

"Oh, honey. That's awful!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah. No shit, mom." I answered, taking a sip of my drink. She was always stating the obvious. Probably where I get it from, now I think of it.

"Well, are you still going to go? Its your last year."

"No, probably not. It would feel weird going alone. I'll probably just chill at home. Maybe watch some t.v. or something." I glanced at the clock. Shit, I'm late. "I gotta go mom, see you later!" I said as I grabbed my keys and bag.

The ride to school consisted of me speeding through traffic so as not to be too late. I arrived at the school in time and parked next to a 1969 Boxtor Porche; candy apple red. What? I know my cars. Katelyn was sitting in the front seat.

Katelyn was a new girl at school this year and I had befriended her on the first day. She was pretty cool. Especially since her family had moved here from Germany. Her English was pretty good and she was fun to hang around with.

She was also the only person aside from Manda that thought it was cool I was dating Joe. Everybody hated me because of it. The first day was the worst. The constant harassment just never stopped. You would think people would be sucking up to me. But nope. Why would that ever happen to Kristen?

"Hallo Kristen!" Katelyn said to me as I got out of my Mustang.

"Hey Kate." I said, smiling at her. We walked into school together and headed for our lockers. I dropped off all my stuff that I wouldn't need for first period and headed for class when the bell rang.

The day passed slowly, but soon I found myself sitting in my seat in the Spanish classroom. Yeah, yeah I know. Why is a senior still taking a language? Well, I just need it for credits. Otherwise I would not be here. The only good thing about this class was that Mrs. Lopez just gave a packet of work and pretty much left us alone. And Katelyn was taking it with me.

Katelyn turned around in her seat and we started working.

"So are you going to this dance?" She asked me. Ah, I knew the question was coming sometime. I doodled on my paper, delaying my answer.

"No, Joe can't make it."

"Nein! Kristen thats horrible!" She said, and I smirked. I always laughed when she mixed her German and English.

"Yeah, I know. What about you, Kate? You going?"

"Nein. I don't really want to go without my boyfriend."

"Finally! Someone who understands! Wait- boyfriend?" I asked. She blushed and looked down.

"Ja. His name is Tom." She said smiling, still blushing.

"Spill!" I said excitedly. I wanted to hear all about him.

"Okay. His name's Tom Kaulitz. He plays guitar in a really popular German rock band. Thats why I know what its like to date someone who's always gone."

"Thats so cool! Do you have a picture?" She nodded and pulled out her phone. She showed a photo of the two of them hugging. He was really cute, with dreadlocks and I think a lip ring?

"He's cute. Got any brothers?" I said, jokingly.

She nodded to my surprise. I had been kidding. "Ja, a little brother. Well, okay, a twin. Tom's only older by ten minutes." I laughed at that and she showed me another picture. It was a boy with long-ish black hair, a eyebrow ring and lots of eyeliner. His eyes burned into me. "Thats Bill. He's in the band, too. Sanger."

I nodded. "What band? Maybe I know them."

"Its called Tokio Hotel."

I racked my brain. They sounded familiar, but I don't think I've ever listened to them.

"I don't think I know them. I'll look them up."

"Senoritas! Get back to work!" Mrs. Lopez said.

Katelyn and I snickered, and got back to "work". When the bell rang, I asked Katelyn if she wanted to experience my favorite American pastime, shopping at the mall.

"Ja! Big cinema!" She said excitedly.

I laughed. "Big cinema?"

"Ja. Its like "cool", but German."

"Oh, okay. Big cinema!"

For the rest of the day, all I could think of were Bill's eyes burning into mine. I have to look them up.
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i'm just on a roll with all these updates =]
i love comments!