I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 39


I was sitting in the cafeteria, blankly staring at a sign for tonight's dance. I haven't talked to Joe since that last text message conversation, and I really missed my boyfriend. Like a lot. I was just picking at my salad. I wasn't really in the mood to eat right now. Everyone around me was talking about tonight and how excited they were.

Manda was walking over to me and I quickly looked down from the poster.

"Hey K. Are you sure you don't want to come tonight?" She asked. God, how many times did I have to tell her?

"No. I think I'm just gonna stay at home. Open a pint of Ben and Jerry's chocolate brownie ice cream. Watch The O.C. all night." The O.C. was my all time favorite show, and I never got tired of it. I needed some of Seth's sarcasm to make me feel better.

"Okay. If you're sure." Her tone suggested she was concealing something. I squinted my eyes at her, wondering what she was hiding. She looked at the clock and swore under her breath. "Um, K, I have to go text..." She trailed off and then ran out of the lunchroom.

"Sometimes I wonder about her." I mumbled under my breath. I looked over at the poster again.

"Screw it. My marathon is starting early." I said as I left the cafeteria and proceeded to my locker to dispose of my books. I grabbed my jacket and headed out to my Mustang.

I decided to drive to the nearest supermarket to grab some good snack foods. On the way I listened to a burned CD of the band Katelyn told me about, Tokio Hotel. They were amazing, to say the least. One of my favorite songs was Don't Jump. Bill's voice combined with the meaning of the song gave me chills every time I listened to it.

I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed a spot in the front. I entered the store and picked up a basket. Over to the ice cream!

I was debating between Chocolate Fudge Brownie and New York Super Fudge Chunk when I heard raised voices coming from the next aisle.

And, because I'm super nosy, I peeked around the corner to see who was arguing. My eyes grew wide and I stood there shocked, in disbelief.

No, no, it can't be -

"Bill! Nein! Katelyn doesn't like that one!" A teenage boy said to him, with dreadlocks and extremely baggy clothes.

"Tom! She does too like Reese's ice cream!" Bill said back, his hair spiked up, mirroring a lion's mane or a porcupine.

I just stood there in shock. They hadn't noticed me yet, thankfully. I just didn't know why they were here. Katelyn said Tom wasn't going to be able to go to the dance. Why else would they be here though?

My feet started moving towards them before my brain could stop them. Before I knew it, I was standing right beside them.

"Need any help?" I asked them, causing them to jump. They both turned to me, looks of surprise on their faces. I laughed, they really did look like twins right then.

"What's so funny?" Bill asked, glancing at Tom.

"You guys really did look like twins right there." I said.

"Oh, you're a fan?" Tom asked, and alarmed expression crossing his features.

"No. Well, yes, I guess. But I'm friends with Katelyn. We go to the same school." I said to them, glancing at the ice cream in their hands.

"Oh! Okay. We thought you were like a stalker fan." Tom said.

"Only in your dreams." I said, causing Bill to laugh. "That one." I said, pointing to the container in Bill's arms.

"Huh?" Bill said. It was kinda cute, his accent.

WHAT? NO! Kristen your dating Joe, remember? Don't go falling for some cute foreign guy! Woah? Cute? NO! You only have eyes for Joe remember? JOE! YOUR BOYFRIEND!

"She likes that flavor. Sorry Tom." I said, causing Bill to jump up and down and shout "I knew it!" in Tom's face. I laughed again.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked them, leading them to the chip section.

"Wanted to surprise Katelyn. Bill just tagged along for the ride." Tom answered.

"Big cinema. I wish my boyfriend would do that." I said. Tom had a look of astonishment on his face. "What?"

"You said big cinema!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. Katelyn introduced me to it. I like it." I said, picking up a bag of Lays.

"Its my word you know. She stole it." Tom said.

"It is not your word Tomi!" Bill said, inspecting a bag of Tostitos. "Weird American food." He mumbled, putting it back. "Hey. Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?" He asked me. Uh-oh. His eyes were doing that burning thing. It was a lot stronger in person.

"Um, yeah. But I left early. Been kinda down lately." I said.

"Aw! Why?" He asked, his eyes full of concern. I was startled, why is he so caring for a complete stranger?

"Tonight is my last Homecoming dance ever and I'm not going because my boyfriend can't go. He's off playing a concert somewhere..." I trailed off. Tears stung at my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. "So yeah. I was just gonna watch a marathon of my favorite show to occupy my time."

"All alone?" Tom asked.

"Well, yeah. Who would I watch it with?" I asked. No one I knew I loved The O.C. as much as me.

"Well, I'm free tonight. Tom and Kate are going out." Bill offered, and I smiled.

"Yeah. Okay. Thanks Bill." I said. He clapped his hands together, a wide smile on his face.

"Oh! Where's the candy? Gummy animals!" He shouted, running to the next aisle.

"Good luck if he's having sugar." Tom said.

I wasn't worried so much about the sugar. More of the fact that I was a lonely girl who was spending most of the night with a cute, foreign rock star. I hope I don't do anything I'll regret later.

What have I gotten myself into?
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yeah. so. um. this kinda took a WAY unexpected turn on me.
but, i think i can make it work. plus it'll add alot of drama =]
and you should know that i LOVE drama.
and do you know what else i love?