I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 4

"What do you want to do?" I ask Manda, both of us in my kitchen.

Being it the night before the concert, we were way too excited to sleep.

"Um, I don't know. Wanna call Joe? See what he's up to?" suggested Manda.

"Sure. But he's probably sleeping. Its hard to get when your on tour y'know."

I picked up my house phone, dialed the number, put it on speaker, and got a busy signal. We both frowned. Who could he be talking to at this hour?

I'm waiting for you right outside, the place we first locked eyes

Manda and I jumped out of our skins when my cell phone began to ring. We raced over to the counter where my phone was, Manda getting there first.

"It's Joe! Talk about timing!" Manda exclaimed, answering it. "Hello? Oh, hello Joe. Yes this is Manda."

"Put it on speaker!" I said.

She shook her head no.

"Put it on speaker or the Monster goes down the drain." I said, holding her energy drink over the sink.

Her eyes widen and she said, "You wouldn't."

"Oh yes I would. Trade. Monster for phone."

"Mmm, how 'bout this, I put it on speaker and you put the Monster down away from any nasty drains."


I set the Monster down and she put the phone on speaker, finally.

"I feel like I just missed something." Joe said.

I couldn't help but instantly smile at the sound of his voice.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to that feeling when you're hanging out with us." Manda responded.

"Yup. You definitely will. So, Joe, why are you calling so late?" I questioned, acting as if we didn't just try to call him. Manda caught on quickly.

"Yeah, its like two in the morning." Manda stated.

"Couldn't sleep. I guess I'm just nervous about tomorrow's show. So I decided, why not call up some beautiful girls?"

"Damn right we're beautiful!" Manda said. So we're a little bit conceited. Okay, a lot conceited.

"And please, Joe! You don't get nervous! You love every second on that stage in front of all the girls screaming to marry you!" I said.

Manda started to laugh and she fell off of her chair. This caused me to burst into hysterics, and soon both of us couldn't stop laughing even if our lives depended on it.

After about five minutes, we regained control of ourselves.

"What was so funny? I hate being left out!" Joe said.

"Manda fell out of her chair and I think lack of sleep and all the caffeine kicked in." I said, still slightly laughing.

"Joe! What are you doing up?! You should be sleeping! Get off the phone!" We hear someone say to Joe in the background.

"Hey, I gotta go, getting yelled at. Drop by the bus a few hours before the show so we can hang out." Joe said hurriedly.

"Bye!" Manda and I said. We heard a click and Manda slid my phone shut. Manda and I were silent for a couple minutes until my phone went off again.

1 new text message

excited for tomorrow. can't wait to see you

"Aw. It's cute." Manda said.

"What is?" I questioned.

"That Joe's got a crush on you!"

"Psht. I wish."

"Kristen! He really does! 'Can't wait to see you.'" She said pointing to the text.

"That can be plural! He can mean 'you' as both of us!" I argued.

"Don't deny it. KK, I can do no wrong remember? Therefore, I'm right! HA!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. 2:57 am. I yawned.

"Manda, its really late. We really should try to get some sleep."

Lying in bed, my thoughts started to go crazy.

I can't believe I'm going to the concert! Woah! Backstage passes! Dude! I have Joe Jonas's number. Wow that sounds weird. I just talked to a rockstar on the phone? Really? He can't really have a crush on me, right? No, its impossible. He's a fucking rockstar, no way he can really be crushing on me, right? Man, I'm so confused. And tired. This is too much to handle at this hour.
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