I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 49

-Joe's POV-

We were sitting on one of the leather couches in her living room, waiting for Kevin to arrive with the magazines. She had been pretty quiet after that freaky voicemail from that guy. Right now she's just zoning off, been that way for like three minutes. I don't know if I should snap her out of it or not. What if waking up a person from a daydream is as bad as waking someone when they're sleepwalking? I probably should, he's gonna be here soon. And she's leaning on me, and I have to pee. Here we go.

"Kristen?" I said, shaking her lightly. Nothing. I waved my hand in front of her face, this time making her jump and look at me.

-My POV-

Joe's hand was flying in front of my face, causing me to jump. I looked around at him. How did I get on the couch? Where was Kevin? I was just standing in the hallway.

"Where's Kevin?" I asked. I am so confused.

"He's not here yet." Joe said to me, looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

He's not here yet? What? He was here two seconds ago. Was I just daydreaming? So the whole talk and finding out the people hid in my bushes was like a dream? Weird....

"Yeah, I guess I'm okay. Just daydreaming..." I trailed off. He nodded.

"I have to pee." Joe said, squirming in his seat. I laughed, he just reminded me of Manda when he did. I pointed to the bathroom.

"There's a bathroom right there." I said, still laughing at him. "Go go go! You aren't gonna make it! What are you still doing here! Go!" I said, pushing him off the couch. He ran to the bathroom just as the doorbell rang. That must be Kevin.

I went over to the door and pulled it open. But it wasn't Kevin. My mouth dropped.

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so yeah, i know its a bit confusing, but this is how i wanted it to go. =]
oh and the credit for the "go go go you're not gonna make it" line goes to manda. thank you mandaaaaa =]
anyways, enjoy!
i love comments!