I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 5

"Hold on Manda! I just have to fix my makeup!" I yelled to her at the bottom of the stairs.

It was the morning of the concert and we were running trying to get ready. Since it was the middle of August, we were both in shorts and tank tops. We had on matching Converses and I had paired mine with argyle knee-high socks.

"KK! Your makeup is fine! You don't have to try to get Joe to notice you! He already knows you exist!" She yelled up the stairs.

I laughed to myself, grabbed my purse and ran downstairs.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Been ready like an hour ago." She answered.

We left my house and got into my red Mustang convertible. This car was my baby. I had loved Mustangs since the seventh grade.

Manda turned on my stereo and we drove to the venue.

It took us about forty-five minutes to get to the venue and there was already a long line of fan-girls waiting, with their homemade posters and shirts.

I parked my car next to a minivan with 'I LOVE YOU NICK!' painted all over the windows.

We got out and looked around. We didn't see the bus.

"Where's the bus?" Manda asked, confused.

"I don't know. It's gotta be here somewhere."

We decide to walk around searching for it, until we both start to feel like we're getting sunburns.

"WAIT! We have a PHONE!" Manda screamed, jumping up and down.

"Oh my God! Why didn't we think of that before! Your a genius!" I screamed, jumping up and down too.

I pulled out my phone, found Joe's number, and hit send.


"C'mon Joe, answer your phone!" I whined.

"Hello?" Joe said.

"Hi Joe! It's Kristen." I said.

"Hey! When are you guys getting here?"

"Ha-ha, about that. We're here, but we can't find the bus ANYWHERE!"

Joe started to laugh, but then he told me where the bus was. I told Manda and hung up the phone.

"There it is!" Manda squealed.

I was excited to meet Kevin and Nick, and there were butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing Joe again.

"How do I look?" Manda and I said to each other at the same time.

We walk up to the bus an I knocked on the door. There was a scuffle inside that ended with someone saying "Ow!" and Joe saying "I'll get it!"

A few seconds later, Joe opened the door, panting.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, beaming, pulling Manda into a hug. When he released her, he pulled me into a hug. Oh my goodness, he smelled so good. Was it my imagination, or did it seem like he held onto me longer than he did Manda?

"You finally found the bus! I was worried y'know!" He said.

"As you should have been." Manda responded.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to the guys." Joe said.

We followed him onto the bus, wicked excited to meet Kevin and Nick.
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