I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 53

-Joe's POV-

I sat with Kristen in my arms until the ambulance got here. I was so scared, and I'm not even going to try to hide it. Why should I? I have no idea how hurt she is and what's going to happen.

"When is it getting here again, Kevin?" I ask for the third time. I knew he was getting agitated with my constant questioning, but he would do the same thing in my position.

"Soon. Joe, stop worrying. She's gonna be fine." I only nodded in response. He didn't know that. The sounds of sirens filled my ears and my head shot up. The ambulance was soaring down her driveway.

The EMTs piled out of the vehicle and ran over to where we were on her front lawn. They sat their equipment next to us and took Kristen out of my arms. They placed her on the stretcher and started moving towards the ambulance. One of them stayed behind for questioning.

"What happened here?" He asked, taking notice of my bloody knuckles and the guy sitting on her steps. I explained how I saw that guy holding her arm and punching her and how I started a fight with him.

"And then I looked up to see her swaying back and forth over there with her hand on her forehead. Then she said 'Guys, I don't feel so good'. And she passed out." Behind him I saw that they were getting ready to leave. "Hey, can I go with her to the hospital? I'm her boyfriend."

"Yes, you can come. I'm going to ask you some more questions on the way." He answered, walking to the ambulance, leaving me with Kevin.

"Alright, I'm going with them. Call Nick and everything." I said, running over so they wouldn't leave without me.

When I reached it, I climbed in sitting on one of the sides. They already had Kristen on oxygen and gotten her stable.

"Alright, just some standard questions." The same EMT said to me. His name tag said Mitchell. I nodded, waiting for him to start.

"Her name?"

"Kristen Breitmaier."

"Do you know any of her medical history?" Shit, no I didn't.

"No, sorry. I only know that she has a history of depression. Sorry."

"Thats alright. We can access her records at the hospital." He said, scribbling something down on a paper.

"Um, do you know what's wrong with her?" I asked anxiously.

"As far as we can tell from our observations, she has a broken arm. We'll have to do some x-rays to find out how serious it is. Other than that we can't tell what's going on in the inside. We have to do some tests once we get there. And I think its pretty obvious that she's going to have a nasty black eye."

When we arrived at the local hospital, they took Kristen away to a restricted area. For tests and things. I had to stay in the waiting room until she was out of x-rays and in her own room. While I was waiting, Kevin arrived with Nick and Niki.

"Hey man. Is she gonna alright?" Nick said, coming up to me, looking worried.

"No news yet. She's still in x-rays. Hey Niki." I said, as she came up and gave me a hug.

"This isn't exactly how I wanted to meet you're girlfriend." She said, looking sad. I just smiled. Knowing Kristen and knowing Niki, they were going to be best friends. Actually, it might be a bad idea for them to meet. Who knows what crazy shit they'll get into.

We all sat down, sitting in silence. Waiting for news. I hope she was going to be okay.
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taa daaa new chapter!
hahaha niki, the crazy stuff we get into
anyways, enjoy!
i love comments!