I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 55

-Kristen's POV-

I awoke to a steady beeping, in a dark room. Where the hell was I? What the hell is that annoying beeping? As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I looked around the room. It looked like a hospital. Why am I in a hospital? I looked down at myself and noticed an IV in my arm and the other in a cast. I tried to remember what had happened. All I could remember was Zac arriving at my house, and Joe kicking his ass. He must've broken my arm. Joe.

I looked around the room to see if he was here with me. Yes! There he was, asleep in the chair, his head resting against the wall. I smiled, he had stayed with me. I tried to open my mouth to call to him, but the movement made my face hurt. What the fuck? Why does my face hurt. I lifted my hand and touched the area around my left eye and winced. It was all swollen. Great, just great.

I looked around everything near to me to see if I could find something to throw at Joe. Hopefully it would be enough to wake him up. But it might scare him half to death. Oh well. I looked over at the table and saw a medium sized box of chocolates. Perfect! I reached for it and lifted it up. I dropped it on my legs so I could get a better grasp on it. Aiming it at his chest, I threw it hard. It hit him in the stomach and ricocheted onto the wall, causing a giant crash. I winced. Joe shot up, evidently scared shitless. He looked around sleepily and when he saw me sitting up I waved at him, smiling.

"You're awake!" He said, running over to me. "I was so worried! They didn't know when you would wake up or any-"

"Joe, shush." I said, wincing. It hurt to talk.

"Are you alright?" I shook my head, motioning for a pen and paper. He nodded and grabbed a pad of paper that was on the table, handing it to me.

it hurts to talk. whats wrong with my face? its like all swollen.

"You have a giant black eye from when that guy hit you." He said, one of his fists clenching. Anger coursed through me. I hate Zac. I hate him! I hate him!

how long have i been out? I wrote, showing it to Joe.

"About seven hours." He said, looking up at the clock on the wall. My eyes went wide. I had fainted before, but I had never been out that long.

am i going to be okay? I was getting worried. Seven hours is a long time to be out. What if it did something to my brain! What if half my brain cells died!

"I don't know, Kristen. They can't tell me anything cause I'm not family." Joe said, lacing his fingers with mine. Tears pooled in my eyes for some reason. Why couldn't they have just told him! I don't know if I'm going to be okay! I want to be okay!

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry." He said, wiping away my tears with his thumb. I nodded, trying to hold them back. After a little while of silence, Joe spoke.

"I was afraid I was going to lose you." He said, barely above a whisper. I had to strain my ears to hear him. Aww, my boys so cute.

"I was here the whole time, the others left after a few hours." He said again, still in that same shy tone. I was speechless, shocked. And immensely happy at the same time. I couldn't help but let a smile grow on my face.

come here I wrote to him. He came closer to me and I kissed him, my silent thank you.

We broke apart, and Joe said something that shocked me even more. If thats even possible.

"Kristen, I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
he finally said it!!! arent you all so happy?!
okie dokes, i want to get to at least 300 comments before the next chapter
can you all do that for me?