I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 6

We followed Joe up the stairs and led us to where Nick was sitting on the couch, rubbing the back of his head.

"That hurt you know." Nick told Joe.

"I'm sorry, but your head was in the way of my foot." Joe responded. Manda started to laugh.

"So, one of you must be Kristen, since Joe was in such a rush to get the door." Said Nick. Joe smacked him.

I smiled and waved.

"Yeah. That's me. Hey Nick." I said.

"What about me? Anybody gonna introduce me?" Manda said. "Gah. Fine, I'll do it myself. I'm Manda, Kristen's BFFL."

She went over to Nick and sat down next to him.

"Where's Kevin?" I asked.

"I think he's in his bunk." Joe said.

"Which one is his?" I asked, both Manda and I smiling.

"Bottom left." Joe answered slowly, probably wondering what we were going to do.

Manda and I went over to Kevin's bunk, his curtain shut. Manda ripped it open and on three we both shouted "HI KEVIN!"

Kevin woke with a shout, confused and slightly scared.

"Hi! I'm Manda!" Manda said.

"And I'm Kristen!" I said.

"Uh...hi? How did you guys get in here?" asked Kevin, still half-asleep.

"Joe let us in!" I said.

He groaned, then comprehension dawned on his face.

"Oh, so your Joe's Kristen?" Kevin asked.

I smiled and nodded. Boy did I like the sound of that.

Then Kevin got up and we all went back to where Nick and Joe were.

And then Manda saw it. The Guitar Hero box. She started to tug at my arm and jump up and down.

"KK! They have Guitar Hero!" She shrieked.

"I can see that, Manda. Now stop tugging at my arm, you're gonna rip it off." I said.

"I'm the best at Guitar Hero. Anyone want to play me?" Manda asked.

"Nick will." Joe said, volunteering him.

Nick got up from his spot on the couch and I took his place. Manda handed him the controller while he turned on the game. Kevin and Joe sat on either side of me, so I was a Jonas sandwich.

They scrolled down the list of songs, until Manda said, "Ooh! Ooh! That one! Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar!"

"Okay." Nick said.

They started playing, Manda beating Nick by a huge amount.

"Wow. You really are good at it." Kevin said.

"I told you I was the best!" Manda answered.

Soon the song was over and Manda was gloating, as usual.

"I win! I win! I beat you! I beat you!" Manda sang to Nick, taunting him.

"Let's watch a movie!" Joe said, randomly.

"Okay!" Manda and I said.

"What do you have?" I ask.

"All the movies are over there. But I wanna watch The Lion King!" Joe said, pointing to a rack of dvds.

"Oh my gosh! I love The Lion King!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, but if we watch a movie we're gonna need food!" Manda said.

"I'll get the popcorn and soda." Said Nick.

Joe found the movie and put it into the dvd player. It went to the menu screen when Nick came back.

"We can't watch a movie with the lights on! Duh! Movie rules 101!" Manda said.

"You are very demanding." Nick said to her.

"Thank you!" She said. She takes everything as a compliment, even if its meant as an insult.

"Okay, I really don't wanna watch this. I'm gonna help set up the stage." Kevin said.

Kevin got off the bus and we all got settled. Manda and Nick were on the floor leaning against the couch, while Joe and I were on the couch.

Joe pressed play on the remote and the movie began. Manda, Joe, and I sang along to all the songs, Nick laughing at our expense.

We were right at my favorite part where Simba and Nala were alone and sang 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' when Joe did something unexpected. His arm had found it's way around me. I looked up at him questioningly, my heart beating fast. What was going on? My eyes locked with his. His eyes were so much more gorgeous in person. The perfect shade of chocolate brown, the kind that could burn into you, make your heart melt, and make your knees go weak, all at once.

"Popcorn." He mouthed, his eyes still not leaving mine.

I nodded and handed him the bowl of popcorn. Then he started to remove his arm from my shoulders, but I grabbed it.

"Who said you could move it?" I whispered, smiling. Okay, I don't usually make a move like that, but I couldn't pass up cuddling with Joe Jonas.

"Shh!" Manda said.

Joe smiled, put his back around me, and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder, loving every minute of it.

We stayed like that until the end of the movie.

As the credits began to roll, Manda got up and stretched.

"And you didn't believe me!" Manda said, as she turned around and saw me and Joe.

"I do now!" I replied.

"That was fun! Lets watch another one!" Joe said.

"Joe, we don't have enough time. We have to go do sound check. We should have been there already!" Said Nick, turning off the t.v.

"Oh. Wanna go to sound check with us?" Joe asked me.

"Hell yes! That would be amazing!"
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ok, as my older readers know, this chapter is in parts because it was too much typing. but to my new readers, this chapter is in parts =D
i love comments!