I Knew Babysitting Paid, But It Finally Paid Off

Chapter 8

-Joe's POV-

We were all running to our room, laughing, trying not to be spotted by all the fans. I looked over at Kristen and Manda. Manda had tripped, bringing Kristen down with her. They were both on the floor, laughing hysterically.

I love her laugh. And her smile. And everything about her. I have to find a way to make her mine.

-My POV-

Manda and I were on the floor, laughing so hard our sides hurt. She had slipped on a piece of paper and grabbed onto me to steady herself. But all it did was throw me off balance and we hit the floor. I looked up at the boys, Kevin and Nick laughing, and I caught Joe staring at me. My heartbeat quickened, and somehow I remembered to smile. He returned it shyly and reached for my hand to pull me up. I grabbed for it, perhaps too fast, and he pulled me to my feet. But instead of letting my hand go, he held onto it.

I smiled. Could this actually be happening?

It was as if the whole world stopped, just melted away, and it was just me and Joe. On some level I knew the others were there, but I couldn't see them. Even Nick with his bright yellow pants. And all because of what Joe did next.

He pulled me aside and starting singing softly in my ear. His breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine.

"But I'll be there forever. You'll see that its better, all our hopes and dreams will come true. I will be right there for you, til the end, the end of time. Please be mine?"

The last sentence he didn't sing and it was phrased as a question. I looked up into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and saw them closer than I expected them to be. We seemed to have subconsciously closed the gap between us, so that we were just inches apart. There was worry and anxiety in his face, I assumed for not knowing my answer yet. Did he actually think I would turn him down? I smiled and nodded my head. Relief and happiness flooded from his body. He leaned down, his face growing closer to mine, my heart going crazy. Then his lips touched mine. My arms around his neck and his at my waist, I was locked in one of the most passionate kisses I've ever experienced. Scratch that. The most passionate kiss I've ever experienced.

But, of course, it was interrupted.

"Hey! Lovebirds!" Manda shouted to us.

We broke apart, both of us blushing in the awkward silence. We had forgotten we had an audience.

"Can't you two do that somewhere else? No one wants to see that." She said.

I blushed even more, if that possible, and I think Joe did too.

We began to walk back to their dressing room, having made a pit stop along the way the first time. Manda, Kevin, and Nick were walking in front, with Joe and me in the back. We were walking hand-in-hand again, standing closer than six inches.

"Quoting our own songs are we now, Jonas?" I asked Joe, breaking the silence between us. He laughed.

"It worked though, didn't it?" He answered. I laughed, it definitely had worked.

"It did, it did."

We came to a door with a paper saying "Jonas Brothers" taped to it.

For the next forty-five minutes, we all just relaxed before the boys had to go on. Joe and Nick warmed up their voices while Kevin tuned his acoustic guitar. It was so quiet, that I jumped when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

1 new text message

Wanna go to the bathroom with me? i'm afraid i'll get lost - manda

I looked over at her and nodded. We stood up and walked over to the door.

"We'll be back." I said to them, questioning looks on their faces.
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