

Kat burst outside to be blasted with mist. The rain felt good on her hot face. why would Theo do that? She gave absolutely no intention that she liked him, NONE!
She stood there for a while leaning on the banister until,


A voice called from behind,

"ugh, yes?"

Kat turned around to face Lucifer, his pale skin looking even whiter covered in mist.

"What do you want?"

He chuckled at her remark,

"Oh, touchy much? calm down i just came to see if you were alright?"

Of course I'm not, she though staring at the ground.

"No I'm fine, really. Just puzzled."

Lucifer leaned against the door,

"How so?"

The bell for third period rang out above the sound of the rain, as Kat pushed by Lucifer to get inside,

"Who said that it concerned you,anyways?"

He smiled and quickly grabbed Kat's wrist, stopping her escape.

"I never did, I'm just looking out for a fellow student, you know, being a good citizen."

Kat didn't believe that at all and shook of his icy cold grip,

"We'll I was just wondering why you and Theo hate each other so much?"

This must have hit home for his seductive gaze quickly turned shy and offensive,

"That's none of your concern,"

He shrilled as he walked past Kat. pushing her aside,

"Good day, miss Rattles."

"Like wise."
♠ ♠ ♠
Im Going To Try And Add a Chapter At Least Once A Week, School's Going To Cut back On Some Deadlines