

-8 months later –

Kat and her mother, Karma walked up the cobblestone walkway the lead to Winston A. Martin High. Karma stopped right before the doors, her hands trembling on the doorframe

“What is it mom?” Kat asked grabbing her hand.

Karma looked at her daughter, her grey eyes burning with fear and shock.

“There is a creature in this building…a student.”

She searched the schools minds waiting until she found it, but was rejected each time she got close.

“He’s very powerful, and aware of my presence. I don’t think it’s safe her.”

Kat shook her head. Dragging her mother through the doors she spoke,

“Mom whatever it is, I can protect myself. Remember the werewolf back home? And that rouge warlock?”

The Rattles were a family of witches and warlocks who protected the human world from the other “myths” Kat had just been introduced into there families history when a werewolf attacked there old home in Australia.

Kat smiled and started to ease up,

“I guess, but still be careful, OK?”

Kat turned around,

“Mom ill be fine, now you head home, I can handle it from her ok? You need you rest.”

“Are you sure?”

Kat bit her lip; this was the first place she’d been to beside her small community in The Outback. And besides it couldn’t be that hard. New school, new people, and new friends…of course she’d be fine.