
Brotherly Blues

Kat walked through the lone, empty corridors of the school. The classroom doors windows, gave the only sense that she wasn’t entirely alone in the grand space. She came to a halt at Principal O’Hare’s office. It had a huge lion doorknocker on it, made out of brass and copper. Kat stared at it for a brief moment, its eyes watching her carefully, as if it were going to eat her. She picked up the knocker and tapped twice.

“Come in.” a voice called from inside.

Kat quickly opened the door to see a rather small office. Covered in bookcases, there was barley any space for the old woman and her desk, yet along any other people. The small woman smiled from across the small brown desk and gestured for Kat to sit. Before doing so she put out her hand,

“Hello, I’m Principal O’Hare. And you are?”

Kat shook her and sat in the chair which was a bit too big for someone her size,

“Rattles. Kat Rattles. The new student?”

O’Hare laughed, while looking through a log on her computer. She read through the information previous school had provided before turning her attention back to Kat.

“So, Kat. Your new to Canada?”

“Ah yes, that’s correct, me and my mother just moved her from Australia.”

“And you lived there all your life?”

Kat wanted to say obviously, seeing as the woman just read her life story basically.

“Yes. No were but down under.”

O’Hare smiled, and looked back at the screen.

“It says her that you had a brother, but only recalls of him until last year. Did he move?”

Kat winced at the thought of her brother. The day the werewolf attacked it killed her brother and her father. The only ones who could have stopped it was her and her mother. He father was a mortal man, so her brother had no knowledge of his sisters “Talents”.

“Yeah, my brother was killed by a…wild dog out in Australia.”

O’Hare’s face was stricken with guilt.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have…”

“No its alright you didn’t know.” Kat interrupted.

O’Hare frowned, “I’m so sorry for you loss.”

Kat didn’t believe that for a second. O’Hare’s mouth said one thing but her eye’s were glazed with disregard. Kat would be surprised if she remembered who she was tomorrow. After a few more minutes, O’Hare gave Kat her lock for her locker, her books and her homeroom number.

“Thank you, Mrs O’Hare”

O’Hare smiled, and continued to work at the computer. Kat turned around to leave when O’Hare spoke up.

“Oh, once again sorry bout your brother. Really.”

Kat stopped right at the door, fuming at the comment.

“You know Mrs O’Hare, fake sympathy once is ok, but twice is rude. Good-bye.”

O’Hare was ready to say something, but was talking to the door before she could get out a word.
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Might Add Some Tommorow