

Kat searched the barren hallways, in hope that she would find her locker. Eventually she happened upon it and put her things inside. As she turned the corner, she saw three boy’s standing on the opposite side of the hallway. Each boy was tall and handsome, but weird at the same time. One of the boy’s called out to her.

“Hey lady, Come here for a minute.”

Kat, with a sigh, slowly turned around and walked back to the trio of men. The one who had called out to her had silver hair. She walked up to them but kept her face down. One of them laughed, but another nudged him in the ribs. Silver head spoke again.

“So, miss lady do you have a name?”

Kat looked up for a second and caught a glimpse of him. His mouth had an odd, one-way smirk to it. His hair looked dyed, but up close you realized it wasn’t. But the most intriguing thing about his face was his eyes. Once she looked into them, she wanted to do everything and be everything to him. Scared by this Kat quickly looked back to the ground.

“Alright then, if you won’t tell me your name I’ll tell you mine. I am Lucifer. These are my brother’s Richard, and Oswald.”

Oswald was the one who had laughed at Kat’s introduction. He was slightly chubby and had long red hair. Richard had a move caring face than the other too, but was built like a tank. Kat finally decided to speak.

"Umm, my n-name's Kat, Kat Rattles."

Lucifer smiled and waved his had up for his brothers to leave. Kat looked at her watch and noticed that she had about two minutes before the hals flooded with students.
She took this opprotunity o bombard him with questions.

"So, Lucifer. Why aren't you in class?"

He laughed, his shimmeing hair faling about.

"I never really did like class that much. Kinda boring."

"But you need and education, thats whats school's for, not entertainment."

The bell rung and Kat looked about to see students starting to surround her. She asked one last question

"Do you know where math 11 is?"

He replied by pointing down the hall,

"Take those stairs and turn left it right there."

Kat smiled, remembering not to look right into his eyes.

"Alright thanks, Good Bye."

She dashed off in desperaton to escape his harsh gaze.

"Bye, Miss Rattles, See You soon"
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