

The math class was fairly small, about 14-16 students max. Kat walked, almost ran, to the teachers desk. He was a younger man, with a kind face, and soft blue eyes. She cleared her throat to gain his attention.


The man looked up from his work and smiled,

“Why hello there. You must be the new student Mrs. O’Hare was talking about. Hi, names Mr. Farrell, bur most students call me Relly.”

Kat smiled and introduced herself.

“Yes. I am the new student. Kat Rattles.”

Relly slid the note in to drawer and pointed to the back corner of the classroom.

“Well, Kat why don’t you go sit back there while I introduce you too the class. You don’t have to stand up here.”

Kat was relived. The thought of all those eyes, focused on her every word gave her chills. She never did like too much attention on that big of a scale. As she settled into her seat, Mr. Farrell stood at the front of the room and whistled, gaining everyone’s attention… except the black and orange haired boy by the window.

“Excuse me everyone. I would like to introduce Miss Kat Rattles. Um, Kat could you stand up please, and tell us a tiny bit bout your self?”

That fucking bastard! Kat thought as she slowly rose up to meet the eyes of her fellow students. The girls in the corner raised their noses at Kat. She didn’t know if this was an act of disgust or jealousy. Kat didn’t think she was very attractive at all. Her hair was cut shoulder length and was streaked with red. She was about 5’ 6” and was bout 135. But the only feature guys ever seemed interested in was her chest. So what if she had D’s? That wasn’t that outrageous?

“Hello. I’m a K-Kat Rattles. I just moved here from Australia. I-“

A boy cut her off in the front row.

“Down under eh? Did you have a pet kangaroo?”

Kat rolled her eyes, as other students snickered and giggled at his little joke. Kat once again noticed the boy by the window wasn’t paying attention. She decided to gain it.

“No, but I did have a pet coyote. He liked kangaroo’s”

Shock and confusion spread throughout the room like a disease. Window boy turned around to meet Kat’s gaze. But she flinched when she noticed his eyes were a shade of purple. Contacts? No they were too dark. He turned around as soon as the classroom settled down.

“Ok, Miss Rattles, I think that’s a good enough introduction, wouldn’t you say?”