

Kat did her work just like all the others, but couldn’t seem to concentrate seeing as Orange boy kept staring at her. He would look away for a moment to do his work then return his attention to her, no one else but her.

She then noticed something very strange. He took just a second of staring time to glance at the boy beside Kat. Once he did so the boy threw up all over the floor. Relly jumped up and told one student to take the boy to the nurse’s office, then Orange boy, whose name she now knew as Theo, offered to clean up the mess.

About three minute’s later Theo returned, cleaned up the mess, and then sat in the boy’s seat. Up close Kat could see that his eye’s weren’t purple, but light green. An illusion? He continued to work but kept glancing over at Kat. She DEFINETLY did not want to look straight at him. His gaze made her feel at ease, but very hot in the pants at the same time. Instead she bit on her pencil to distract herself.

“Hello, my name’s-“

Kat cut him off,

“Yeah, I know your name. Theo right?”

He smiled a devilish grin that made Kat feel even hotter.

“So, Miss Rattles. New to our school?”

“No I just said that for effect.”

Theo didn’t understand sarcasm very well, but he figured this was it. He just smiled and continued.

“So would you like a tour around or little peace of hell?”

Kat just nodded. Every word he said made her desire worse and worse. Did he know he was doing this? She decided to jump on the offensive instead.

“Maybe. So you like clean up other’s messes, hmm?”

Theo laughed and ran his hand through his thick hair.

“No not really, but how else would I get to sit beside you?”

Kat blushed and returned the gesture,

“Well, thank you. And how did you do that?”

Theo raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Do what exactly?”

“Make that guy throw up?”

He rolled his eye’s and shrugged,

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

Kat smiled and continued the interrogation.

“So why so interested Mr. Stetson?”

Theo thought for a moment before replying as the bell rung.
“Why, because you are stunning woman, whom I’d like to get to know. Is that a problem?”

Kat stood up and smiled,

“Nope, not a problem at all.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry For All The Delay's.
Next Update = 6 Chapters +